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Fri, 13 Dec 2002 22:47:00 -0500
"Margaret E. Joslyn" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (105 lines)
Hello All,
I am a fairly new member of the FML.  This is my first post.  When Julie
asked about others stories I thought it might be a good place to start.
It was 6 1/2 years ago.  We wanted a pet.  My husbands allergies made a
dog or cat impossible.  My daughter chose a rabbit.  We had her do some
research and write a report so we knew she understood how to properly
care for one.  We were at our small local pet store waiting to speak to
the "rabbit guy" when I heard something crying.  After looking around we
saw the pitiful sound was coming from a ferret kit.  I kept saying how
cute it was.  My family reminded me that I did not like ferrets.  One of
the pet store employees came and got the kit out of the cage and cuddled
it for a few minutes.  It was content while being held.  After he put it
back I kept looking at it and commenting on just how cute it was.  My
family had previously proposed a ferret as one choice for a pet, and as
they reminded me, I would not even consider it.  I now considered it.
My husband said to go and speak to the "ferret person".  Fortunately the
lady was quite knowledgeable and gave us a lot of information.  When I
asked about allergies she suggested my husband handle the ferret.  When
he has an animal reaction it does come on quickly, so he handled the kit
for about 20 minutes with no sign of a reaction at all.  I handled him
and thought he was just the cutest thing I had ever seen.  My daughter
would not hold him.  I assumed it was because of his unclipped nails.
Our neighbors son had just been attacked by a cat, and I thought that
made her nervous about holding him.  We did the right thing and went
home to give it some thought.
I asked my neighbor if she knew anyone who had a ferret.  One of the kids
playing at her house at that very moment did.  She would have his mom
bring her ferret over when she picked him up.  We went over to see him.
My daughter picked him right up and was smitten.  I took one look at one
of the biggest ferrets I have seen to date, looked at the huge teeth
hanging out of his mouth, and suddenly remembered I didn't like ferrets.
My daughter literally backed me against a wall and shoved him into my
arms.  After the initial shock I realized he was not what I expected at
all.  He felt good in my arms, he was friendly, he was sweet.  I quizzed
his owner endlessly.  Everything I was being told sounded OK.  We had
another family discussion and decided this would be our pet.
We went back to the pet store the next day only to find the little kit
had been sold.  We were so disappointed.  This store actually had a
second location and they had two kits.  We drove over and swore all the
way there we would not get one just because they had them.  We would look
until we found the right one.  Fortunately they had the right one.  We
tried to take our time deciding, but after carrying him around the store
we knew we had to have him.  We bought a book and left a deposit and went
home to prepare and pick him up the next day.
I wish we had researched more, I didn't realize just how much there was
to learn.  I tell people to go slow.  Get a book, talk to owners, really
be prepared.  I am so glad that little 6 week old kit in the second store
made us fall for him.  As it turned out he picked me as his person.
Wickett.  My sweet boy, cuddly right from the start.  Loved nothing
better than curling up on my chest and napping.  Evan as a kit, after the
frantic bursts of energy, he wanted to be held.  He has been the perfect
ferret.  No bad habits, never missed the litter pan, loves to meet people
(his nose in your ear is a must when being introduced),a beautiful sable
with a freckly pink nose.  After 6 months we felt he needed a buddy, we
thought we had learned a lot.  We got Ed at the pet store.  He was 3
months old, on sale, and totally picked my daughter right in the store.
She picked him up and he never stopped giving her kisses.  He taught us
how little we knew about ferrets.  He was a little off right from the
start.  We stared calling him "Special Ed".  To this day he is a few
fries short of a happy meal.  He is not one who likes to be held, but he
is a very sweet guy.  He is a real character.
After getting Ed we found a ferret club in our area.  Western New York
and Finger Lakes Ferret Club.  THEN we learned a lot.  So much input from
ferret people was so eye opening.  Our club has a shelter as well.  I
have been volunteering there ever since.  We did make one more pet store
purchase.  Iolaus came home with my husband after a trip to the mall with
gift certificates.  I was surprised but my husband apparently wanted his
very own boy.  Iolaus was defiantly his, he still runs to greet him when
ever he hears his voice.  We tried adopting from our shelter a few years
ago.  Unfortunately it was Iolaus who could not seem to adjust to the new
guy, it didn't work out for many reasons.
The past couple of months have been difficult for Wickett and Ed.  At
6 1/2 and 6 years old they have seen their share of health problems.
Wickett has developed complications from a difficult right adrenal
surgery and is not doing well.  Eds insolunomia is finally catching up
with him and he has had to go on medications.  They are both holding
their own but I fear for the near future.
Last year we adopted Monty, a deaf dark eyed white, from the shelter.  It
was a wonderful experience.  We only had him for a year and lost him when
he escaped and was hit by a car.  It was devastating.  Iolaus turned 5
this month and is doing great.  His was depressed after losing Monty,
they had been very close.  We decided to adopt from the shelter again.
Actually a shelter guy picked me.  I thought it was too soon after losing
Monty but the shelter was so full, and he seemed to like me so much every
time I was there.  I brought Spike home.  He fit in so well with my guys,
he likes everyone, ferret and human.  I am so glad I did bring him home
so soon.  He helped us heal,and him and Iolaus bonded so well.
We eventually did get the rabbit too.  He is an indoor rabbit.  He
actually lives in the ferret room (safely caged).
So that's how it started for us.  An animal I never thought I would want,
turned out to be an animal I never want to be without.
A safe and happy holiday to everyone!
Margaret and the "Boys" Wickett, Ed, Iolaus, and Spike
[Posted in FML issue 3996]