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Sun, 3 Nov 2002 12:24:14 EST
Lisa Weisensale <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
Hi all;
Just thought I would drop a line.  Peanut is doing well; back to life as
usual!  Her fur is growing back great & she is almost completely lost her
"rat tail".  It makes me so happy to see her doing so well.
But I have a problemo; today she seemed to have signs of drunk ferret.
Loss of balance & salivating & kinda staring off; just like a ferret with
insulinoma; she only did this for a few minutes then she was fine.  This
scared me!  I realized that a few days after her surgery; which was three
weeks ago she was pawing at her mouth; no salivation; just pawing.  These
are the only two occurrences I have witnessed.  We keep a pretty good eye
on her.  What do you guys think?  Do you think the cancer is growing back
again?  Could this be a possible cause from her healing and her bodies
way of working again without the cancer?  I am afraid I know the answer &
would hate to see her have another surgery and separate her again from
the other girls?  If you guys have any info please email me!  She goes
back to the doc on the 11th & I would like some other thoughts other than
my worrying!  Thanks in advance.
Lisa & Peanut
[Posted in FML issue 3956]