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Tue, 15 Oct 2002 08:29:34 -0700
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Rebecca Stout said:
>Betty and others... I was curious about something.  I own small pythons
>(yes there are "small pythons"), and some herpetologists theorize
>::covering Sukies mouth...shhh:: (yes theorize, but its based on many
>years of experience by many) that reptiles can become slightly more
>aggressive in nature from live feeding rather than killed feedings.
>I know we are talking night and day with species here, but ... I was
>wondering if you or others might think that a possibility... just a
>possibility with ferrets.
I have been a herpetologist for 30 some odd years, and have never heard
that theory.  All snakes are killers, so I would never feed my snakes
'killed' prey.  If I am worried that a rat might get the better of a
large or valuable snake, (It DOES happen..I lost a 3000 dollar snake
due to a small rat being ingested backwards..tore up his esophagus!) I
simply stun the animal and let the snake do the killing.  It is nature's
way..who am I to alter nature's way of doing things?
As for making ferrets aggressive?  Not true.  My gang are the sweetest
ferrets one could hope to be owned by!  I also feed my ferrets (Well..
not Snorkle..he doesn't like mice!) live mice.  Not pinkies, live, adult
mice.  I throw one in the bath tub and then let whichever ferret loose
there for the chase and kill.  Bancho is quite tidy, Tuzi is a slob and
messy...Artie..depends on his mood whether or not he is clean and neat or
a slob.  Before you cruelty to animal people jump down my throat.  I have
never had a ferret live less than 10 years.  Why?  Who knows.  BUT.....
As I grew up on a horse ranch and learned the facts of life on a ranch,
I truly believe one should try an approximate nature in the care and
feeding of animals...any animal!  That is true with my snakes...ie: My
green tree boa get live chicks, as in the wild, that snake is 100%
arboreal and eats primarily birds it catches on the fly!  Ferrets, in
the wild, eat primarily rodents, so I *supplement* my ferrets' kibble
diet with live mice..and notice I said 'live'.  In studies of old folks
(human) those who have led active lives, retain their mental acuity much
later and live to be much older than those folks who have vegetated in
their golden years.  sounds good to me, so, I let my ferrets hunt, chase,
and kill their prey.  **I** believe that it keeps my brat pack's minds
sharp and actively working, therefore, lengthening their lives.  As I
said earlier, there is no proof my feeding live mice has any affect on
the longevity of my ferrets, but hey..it doesn't hurt them, so why not.
It is also known that once an animal is killed, there is a very fast
deterioration of certain body parts and the very quick breakdown of
certain chemicals, etc., in the carcass.  For that reason, I only want
my gang to have LIVE food, so they can get the full benefit of the mouse
they are eating.
Jade wrote:
>But, wouldn't the bones from the pinkies or chicks cause blockage or
>choking problems?
Nope...doesn't happen.  Bob Church can tell you why.  Better yet, search
the FML archives for Bob's wonderful, what..15 part article on ferret
diets.  (BIG, help me out here for a location!!??  Please)
[Moderator's note: Actually, it was 20 parts!  And I combined all 20,
plus a few follow-up notes, and made it available on the server.  If
you'd like it, ask [log in to unmask] to SEND DIET POSTS FERRET
(put that in the body of e-mail.)  Nothing new here -- just a good
opportunity to mention it.  BIG]
LisetteLu wrote:
>Where would one buy frozen small mice for the ferrets that would be lab
>tested for health?
There are mail order pet supply outfit that have frozen mice, but you
will never know the quality.  See above about my feelings on feeding
killed mice.  Feeding frozen feed is NOT something I would recommend.
Freezing really breaks down the tissue and organs.
Shelly R. Abare wrote:
>Dear God, I am sickened!  How could anyone take newborn mice, murdered
>by inhuman animals (human type) and feed them to our sweet babies?  Or
>almost as bad, live mice.  Can you imagine the terror that poor creature
>feels.  There are plenty of meat substitutes out there.  We don't have
>to promote animal cruelty by feeding our babies other babies.  Stop the
>cruelty now.
What is so wrong feeding a natural diet to our carnivore companions?
Just feeding plain old meat (That was killed by us human animals) does
not provide the total balanced diet a freshly killed/offered mouse
does.  (Although, much better than many of the processed foods we have
available.)  (I do hope you are not referring to meat substitutes such as
plant proteins offered up by the vegan advocates.  BAD BAD BAD!  Ferrets
are obligate carnivores.  They need the proteins found only in real meat,
not processed soy.)
For our ferrets.
MC, The Rude One
(With Snorkle, Tuzigoot, Bancho, and Artemus.  In spirit, Bubba,
Billy-Bob, and Garret)
[Posted in FML issue 3937]