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Wed, 18 Dec 2002 21:10:37 EST
Jacci Denney <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (24 lines)
Hello everyone, thanks for your responses to my question about the
Another question: Anyone know of a shelter in the Oklahoma City area?  I
can't find one, but I would like to find one that is close so I can help
out, adopt, etc.  There's one in Tulsa, but I don't know much about it.
I'd also like to find a breeder.
I was reading about the pet store condition on here the other day, and I
just wanted to say that Pets Plus in Fayetteville, AR (we live in
Oklahoma) keeps the ferrets in awful conditions.  I actually started to
cry when I saw them....Wanted to take all 5 (5 fully grown ferrets in a
small space) but my hubby was too leery to buy from there.  Can't blame
him, but I wanted to rescue them.  They had no water, very little food,
and lots of poo.  It was smeared on the walls and everything.  So, so
sad.  I informed the employee of their conditions and then stood there
until I saw him take care of it all.  Sigh, I should have insisted we
take them.  Hindsight.
Anyway, think I'll go kiss the kids.
[Posted in FML issue 4001]