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Wed, 20 Nov 2002 15:08:03 -0600
"Church, Robert Ray (UMC-Student)" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (65 lines)
Troy Lynn Eckart said:
>but I have read a few of the studies and if this is the same type of CR
>Bob is referring to, the people that participated looked like skeletons
>with skin
Wow, talk about an emotionally weighted, prejudicial image!  I guess
I must be wrong when you solicit images of obvious malnutrition!  Oh
wait...maybe your statement is misleading, and as "low a blow" as
anything suggested by Joe McCarthy.  TLE, that was an emotional,
manipulative statement that forms negative bias in those undecided,
uninformed, or impressionable.
1) I NEVER indicated, at any time, ferrets should become "skeletons with
skin." That is an unfair characterization that leaves a negative
implication towards my personal reputation.  You may not have intended
such an erroneous implication, but it is there.  Shame on you.
2) I have read more than 100 studies on caloric restirction in animals,
performed over a range of dietary restrictions.  A few have the extreme
results you mentioned, but MOST do not.  I was planning on discussing
these issues when I get to the part explaining how CR can help our
ferrets.  Unfortunately, you have jumped the gun, and may have prejudiced
some readers so that they may not learn of a simple, easy way to better
their ferret's health.
3) The Ad Libitum posts are sequential in nature and identified with a
number so they can be cliped and pasted, in order, into a word document.
Besides my repeated plea to read the series as a unified whole, this
numbering system indicates that the posts are a unified series that,
because of space limitations, cannot be posted at once to the FML.  You
are critical of things that will be fully explained later.  Unwarranted
criticism prejudices those readers undecided, or impressionable.  It is
4) I also love and adore ferrets.  They have improved my life and granted
me happiness.  I have dedicated myself to bettering their condition and
quality of life.  I am just as passionate about this as you.  The way you
worded your post implies I am not.  Do you think I would ever suggest a
change that would harm a ferret?  The implication of your post suggests
it!  That implication is hurtful and demeaning.
"How is it possible to put obligate carnivores on a CR diet?"
I could ask the question, "Why are you promoting a food filled with
starchy carbohydrates for obligate carnivores?"!  CR is easy, safe,
and simple.  All you have to do is read the remainder of the posts
with a open mind and learn.
I am NOT implying I have all the answers; all I ask is a fair opportunity
to question and discuss the issues without constant, negative
bombardment.  I am NOT (!) afraid of criticism; bring it on when it is
deserved (and I deserve it on occasion)!  But I am being criticized for
things I haven't said, haven't implied, or will be explaining later.
That is a form of censorship, and it is unethical at best, or immoral
at worst.  It is ok to voice concerns and ask questions, but to do it
in a manner that prejudices the reader before the argument is finished
is unfair.  To solicit images of starving ferrets to counter a series a
posts that *I* am writing is damaging to my reputation as a ferret lover,
regardless if it was meant to be a general statement or not.  It doesn't
matter IF you intend it that way; THAT is the repercusion.
Bob C
[Posted in FML issue 3973]