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Mon, 11 Nov 2002 23:04:54 EST
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Once again Lisette has put the GCFA in the uncomfortable position of
having to publicly defend ourselves.  Why Lisette has chosen a public
forum to do this and to use strong hurtful words towards the GCFA is
a mystery.  While Lisette has recently done many wonderful things for
the GCFA, this action of slandering an entire organization over a
misunderstanding is very wrong and extremely hurtful to many innocent
volunteers and ferrets.
First, we would like to assure everyone that we are not the liars and
cheats that Lisette has portrayed us to be.  Lisette's brutal accusations
are her interpretation of the truth.
Yes, we are very guilty of wanting to begin a memorial cage program
to help replace some of the older cages within our shelter.  It was a
wonderful dream and not some underlying money making scheme as Lisette
has so bluntly accused.  In fact, NO way was this program officially
announced.  It was never announced at any general meeting, board meeting
or printed in the GCFA's Off the Paw newsletter.  It was one wonderful
man's idea or dream to help replace the shelter's cages.  This all began
during a casual conversation Lisette had with this man about his well
meaning idea to help replace some of our more well used cages for the
homeless ferrets in our care.  At that time it was a very promising idea.
An idea was all it was.  It was Lisette herself, WITHOUT official consent
of the GCFA, who posted a post more than a year ago to the members of the
FML giving her interpretation of a program that was not yet developed.
Her intentions at the time were honorable and so was the casual
conversation in which the idea was expressed.  Lisette had no authority
to publicly post such a program on behalf of the GCFA.  There was no
official program.
Lisette did donate towards memorial cages and at the time our intentions
were to try and honor her donation by getting a program that never was
begun put into place, after all it was a nice idea.  Unfortunately, time,
lack of manpower and the extremely hectic life of trying to give quality
care to the more than 350 ferrets who come through our shelter door a
year have prevented us from following through with this program.  We are
a no-kill shelter that maintains an average daily population of 100
ferrets.  That takes a lot of love, countless hours of caring people's
time, tears, energy and money to carry it off.  Lisette would not know
this as she has only volunteered approximately 5 times within her entire
membership.  We are not the thieves that she has made us out to be.  The
realization that after a year of having no such program in place, Lisette
requested a full refund of her money that was given towards the still
non-existent program for cages for the shelter.  We, the board, all
agreed and had full intention of the refund.  At no time was her request
We have been in constant contact with Lisette.  We have never showed
the lack of interest or concern as her complaint suggests.  We have
repeatedly apologized to her.  We too have copies of countless emails
to prove this fact.  We did ask Lisette if we could give her the refund
after our annual show due to money restraints -- she readily agreed.  The
show was October 5th.  Yes, it has been a month, but we have been in
constant contact with Lisette via email.  Most of the officers work full
time and do their volunteer elected jobs, treasurer etc.  in their spare
time.  Lisette was emailed this week by our treasurer and was notified
that the check had been mailed.  We received another concerned email the
next day that she still had not received her refund check.  We assured
her that this matter was going to be addressed at our board meeting this
week, and that we are taking this matter very seriously!!
Lisette's post is vindictive and hurtful... All directed at our ferret
shelter and club and the countless number of selfless people who maintain
it.  We would like all of you who read the FML to know that all of the
officers who hold elected positions at the GCFA have been put in place by
the members of the GCFA as a result of a yearly election.  This assures
us that no one person can take over the GCFA, or do something that would
purposely hurt the GCFA or it's mission.  All critical decisions are
brought before the board (elected individuals) that meets bi-monthly.
The board votes on each proposed item that directly affect our shelter or
club.  We also have a general bi-monthly meeting open to all our members
where our current finances and concerns are publicly addressed, also in
turn allowing the members to voice any concerns they might have.
Immediately following the treasurer's report, a motion to accept is
voiced.  At this time anyone with questions or concerns can voice
them.  These procedures have always been in place to assure that all our
members are kept aware of the GCFA's finances and daily goings on of the
club/shelter.  Lisette has never been to a general meeting to question
our treasurer's report.
Lisette is basically accusing the GCFA officials of intentional
wrongdoing, and by doing so the members of this wonderful organization
who put them into office.
All of us at the GCFA do what we do to help the homeless ferrets.  We
have so many wonderful volunteers, board members and countless supporters
throughout the FML community who unselfishly devote so much into the care
and well being of the homeless ferrets living at the GCFA.  We are the
only ferret shelter servicing the entire Chicagoland area and we (the
countless selfless individuals who devote so much) are sincerely trying
to do our best.
[Posted in FML issue 3964]