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"Joan A. Crawford" <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 2 Sep 2002 18:44:35 -0500
text/plain (35 lines)
Hi all,
Thought I would tell you a little story about Angel.  Angel is 2 yrs.
old now and this was the first time I have left her for 7 days.  My
niece came over twice a day, took care and play with her.  We went to
Vancauver, WA and got back late Tuesday night so my niece came over after
work and took care of Angel.  When I got home around 10 p.m.  I figure
Angel would be asleep since she been feed and played with.  Well when I
step over the gate, there she was waiting for me.  For 2 hrs. she was by
my feets and did not leave my side, she also started dooking at the same
time.  Well she dook until I went to bed, then came up on the bed, got
under the cover and slept by my feets which she have never done before.
The same thing the next night, only this time she kept coming upon the
bed about ever 15 minutes to make sure I was still there.  Finally she is
letting me get some sleep.  I knew she was happy to see me.  Angel have
dook before but never very loud and for long.  Hopeful she will feel the
same way when I leave again the end of Sept. for 4 days.  Never can tell
with these little ones.  All my other ferrets was always mad at me when I
got home and it took them a while to tell they forgave me.  Angel is out
all the time in the two bedroom and bath.
Hope all had a good Labor Day.
Joan and Angel
Phone (918) 747-7533
Basketball Hall of Fame 1997
Women's Basketball Hall of Fame 1999
Ferret Lover
Web Site: http://staffweb.library.northwestern.edu/staff/jcrawford/
[Posted in FML issue 3894]