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Wed, 29 Jan 2003 18:00:04 EST
Kelly Foran <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (36 lines)
I have been a ferret mom for 7 years.  During that time I have
experienced many illnesses with our four ferrets.  They always seem to
get better and we have had more near death experiences than I can count.
Last night for the first time we lost the battle and our 6 year old male,
Sidney died.  My husband and I are completely heart broken.  It is so
difficult to loose one of your babies.  He die of congestive heart
failure which was just diagnosed yesterday.  Too little, too late!
We really did not know anything was seriously wrong with our big boy
until Friday night when his breathing was rapid.  We pride ourselves on
knowing every move our ferrets make.  I have a degree in posology.  I
feel terrible that this was not noticed sooner and worse that it got to
the point of him suffering.  Last night was one of the worst things I
have ever experienced.  Sid was having so much trouble breathing, he
could not eat or drink or walk.  He would become scared for brief moments
due to the lack of oxygen I guess.  He was whimpering and we were praying
for him to let go.  At 1 am we decided we could not wait until the
morning to ease his suffering.  We got ready to bring him to an emergency
clinic and when my husband went to pick him up he had passed.  The whole
ordeal has been so traumatic for us.  I have been crying for two days.
He slept with us for one last time last night and then we said our final
good-byes.  He was so important to us.  I guess I am posting this because
not many non ferret owners understand.  My life has changed.  We don't
cage our ferrets so I am used to Sidney hanging around us most of the
time.  He was a real beggar and would run from the bedroom to the kitchen
when he woke up and wait patiently for a treat.  If you did not get it
to him soon enough he would lie on his back and wait.  There are so many
things we will miss and we are grateful for having him in our lives.  He
has given us so much!  We will miss our big boy Sid!
Thanks for listening
Kelly Foran
[Posted in FML issue 4043]