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Sat, 11 Jan 2003 15:48:21 EST
Tracie Belongia <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
Dear FML'ers and Gordon,
Thank you for your immediate concern about the welfare of the two ferrets
that are involved in the Richmond, Va.  Animal Control seizure that took
place this past Thursday, after neighbors had complained about a house on
Campbell St. that had a foul animal odor.
We had been contacted early Thursday before the house was ever entered
(that evening) that there might be ferrets involved.
I have been involved with the Richmond Animal Control for 6 years now,
and since Alvin Jones has been the director for the past 2 years, their
conditions have only become better and better, and they take excellent
care of the animals in this facility.
We have been in touch with Animal Control since Thursday evening (before
the info was released on the 11:00pm news) and we have offered any help
or services they might need regarding the two ferrets that were taken
from this house.  Unfortunately, as is often in these cases, there were
over 60 animals involved, and they are all currently being evaluated by
a state appointed veterinarian to see what kind of conditions these poor
animals are in, and how much quality of life some of them have.
I know there were over 35 cats, approximately 10+ dogs, numerous rodents
(gerbils, hamsters, etc.) , birds, etc.  The people involved are what we
call "collectors".  Unfortunately, in a case such as this, we do not have
the authority to simply go down and demand that these ferrets be turned
over to us.  Right now, these animals are "state evidence" as there are
felony charges being filed against the owners.  I was also told that NONE
of these animals had any vaccination records.  The best we can hope for
is that they will keep these 2 ferrets in quarrantine for 10 days and
then hope they will be released into our custody until a court hearing.
I will be going down=20to Animal Control on Monday to offer any
appropriate ferret food, help clip nails & clean ears, and maybe be
able to learn more about their condition if I can see them.
I wish situations like this were easier to deal with, and that the
animal's welfare was taken into consideration first, but that is just
not the case.  Not when state laws and the government become involved.
Sadly enough, the animals become evidence.  However, at least now they
will be in warm, sheltered housing, with good, nutrional diets,
medications and good care.
Just wanted to update everyone on this sad event.  Thank y'all for your
Marlene Blackburn/ Richmond Ferret Rescue League, Richmond VA.
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Tracie Belongia/ North Branch
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[Posted in FML issue 4025]