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Mon, 6 Jan 2003 19:20:03 -0600
Anonymous Poster <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (26 lines)
I think ferrets are legal here, actually I'm sure, they sell them down
the street from me.  The only reason I'm posting this anonymously is
because I don't want anyone to have my e mail adedress.  Sorry everyone.
Ok, here's my subject.  The only reason why politicians think ferts are
wild is because they don't know what they are.  I can understand why they
are illegal in NYC, it's safety.  For the animals hopefully and the
people.  But why in California?  I don't get that.  They are DOMESTIC not
wild.  They can't survive in the wild, that's why the Black footed ferret
is endangered,I think.  Either that or it is human development.  At least
we are trying to save him.  Right?  If they keep making them illegal, the
little demons will be extinct and that is NOT good.  How could they do
that to the little fuzzballs?They won't escape (nuetered, mind you) band
together, have babies, go to a farmer's field, tip over a cow and eat it.
That's impossible.  But people beleive that.  Oh well, I don't live where
they are illegal so I can't do anything.  I hope I didn't offend anyone.
If I did sorry, I didn't mean it.  The people I am talking about just
don't know about the little fuzzies.  They should do research before
they try to make ferrets illegal.  I hope some day they will be legal
Heather (me) and Mickey or if you would prefer 3 month old, stair
climbing, shoe chewing, getting inside TV, carpet digging, cage
destroying demon.  ( He's the best little fuzzball ever, he went in his
litter box today.  He's such a good boy)
[Posted in FML issue 4020]