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Sat, 21 Dec 2002 08:45:18 EST
Christine Herman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (34 lines)
>I'm sure the list goes on.  I know she won't kick the roomate out, so
>that's not an option.  If I call the humane society or whatever, the
>girl I work with will know it was me, since I jokingly said I was going
>to call them.
You can anonymously call the ASPCA and file a complaint.You have to
decide if you want to "offend" your co worker or whether or not you feel
the ferrets are in jeopardy.If your co worker discovers it was you , tell
her you are concerned and she must be concerned too or she would not have
told you the conditions under which the ferrets live...
One criteria for the ASPCA or humane society getting on someone's case is
if the animal has NO ACESS to food, water or shelter .  So if they show
up to inspect and she has no water bottle in the cage she will get a
warning or summons.If the cage is full of poop and there is no litter
or paper and they are sitting in it..  she will also get a summons or
You may have to call and file a complaint multiple times depending on how
co operative the human society is in your area.  You do risk getting the
humane society involved , which may or may not be a good thing in your
area.  You can also try this..  get this dummy a book on ferret care..
like the book FERRETS FOR DUMMIES...and hi light the parts about
nutrition, housing, safety...You can be friendly to her and not
oppositional and write some such thing on a card like.." As a fellow
ferret lover, and i know how much you care for your ferrets, i thought
you would like this book , so your little fur babies can stay happy and
healthy for a long time"""Mail it to her with a "gift package"..  like
a water bottle, some food, etc.  etc.  It is time and money for you, but
may be very worth it.
Christine and the weasel ward...
[Posted in FML issue 4004]