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Mon, 16 Dec 2002 14:45:07 +1100
"Harris, Victoria" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (59 lines)
G'day to all fuzzlings and they're hooman slaves out there today, and
condolences to those with lost or sick babies.
I'm pretty sure that a few people commented, on what i've got to write
about, a little while ago.
It's funny how perceptive our little furballs are.  My partner has come
over to Sydney from the UK (yes... very long distance relationship till
we can sort perminant residency) and he loves my fuzzies almost as much
as i do, would do anything for them and i have often found him outside
with them giving them cuddles and playing with them (or winding them up
i'm not sure which) either way both him and my babies had fun.  As you
can imagine they became quite fond of him to the point that my little
girl (2yo albino) who's normally too busy wanting to either explore
things or sleep in her hammie to want to play with Hoomans, curled up
in his arms and went to sleep (after a particularly hard day ferreting
around at a ferret meeting , like a play group that the welfare society
hosts where they adopt out surrendered/dumped fuzzies to find them
good/loving caring homes and have ferret games for the fuzzies that have
hoomans/forever homes).
Well... My partner was leaving to go back to the UK on Sunday..  and my
fuzzies both did the strangest things both Saturday and Sunday, i'm not
sure whether it was because they caught onto the sad vibe floating around
the house, but my little boy Toby on Saturday was doing the Flat ferret
all day in front of the screen door ( they're staying out on the fully
enclosed balcony where they can run and sleep and play chase and run
through tubing as much as takes their fancy!)  He had never done it
before.... I went out to check on him and see why he was in such a funny
mood... Gave him a cuddle and he just layed there (he's a year old, he's
always been my cuddler but never seen him in this sort of mood) And then
yesterday... (after i came home from taking my partner to the airport)
my little girl ("no time to say hello goodbye i'm playing") came over to
me while i was hanging out the washing... Dumped herself at my feet and
rolled onto her back to let me scratch her tummy, now that has never
happened) I picked her up and gave her a cuddle.... and she was just
happy to get a scratch.
Last night i spent a lot of time in tears thinking how long these next
5 months are going to be ( it's how long it's going to be til i see my
partner again) i was outside cleaning up after the fuz, and they both
were acting like clowns..  having so much fun leaping around and getting
into everything trying to "help"(ha ha) me clean up.  I'm guessing to
try and help me cheer up... but it is something that they seem to be
able to do.  When i'm down or grumpy or having a bad day or just tired
from work... i go outside for what i call "fuzzie therapy" and it's
brilliant... even just a short time outside running round with them
playing chassy or just cuddling them and getting lots of kisses is enough
to lift my spirits and make me forget everything that was troubleing me
I suppose there's no real point to this post, just an observation at how
attuned to their hoomans fuzzies are and how good they are at making you
feel good.
Vikky, Bonnie and Tobamory.
Sydney Australia.
[Posted in FML issue 3998]