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Tue, 10 Dec 2002 12:10:02 -0500
Roger Vaughn <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
Hi Kim.
> 1. Stop the breeding of ALL animals until the shelters are virtually
>empty.  Everything is being over bred, hence the need for rescuing.
Hmmm.  May run into trouble with this one.  We do need a little breeding
to keep the population viable (i.e. make the next generation), but the
big problem is that this would likely drive a lot of breeding
underground.  What you also need are STIFF penalties for rogue breeders,
and enthusiatic enforcement to find them all.  Limits on the large farms
would certainly help, since they can't suddenly disappear underground.
MF recently had some sort of disease epidemics sweeping the farm, and the
shipments of pet kits to stores (at least around here) really dropped.  I
hate the thought of all of those sick kits....but I was overjoyed they
weren't being sold.  Unfortunately MF seems to have recovered just in
time for Christmas.
>them..  and you'll see a decrease in ADV too.  Every single person
>that wishes to become a companion to an animal must be screened as
>if you were adopting a human child.  A life is a life and both human
>and animal are deserving of the best life has to offer.
Yup.  I said the same months ago - license the owners, not the pets.
License them after training and a test and have them subject to periodic
checks - just like driver's licenses.  There is a lot of unintentional
ignorance out there simply because anybody can get a pet anytime.  You
don't even need money.  There's always someone giving away free kittens
or such.
> 2. Outlaw large reptile breeding.  ..just a second.  I got a Tazzy
I don't know about this one...you would probably get a lot of flak on
some other lists.  But then I'm not a reptile person anyway.  What
reasons do you have for an outright ban?  (Don't bother answering that
if you're busy.  Consider it rhetorical.  I am interested in your
reasoning, but life will certainly go on without. :-)
>very nice too.  "Momma, I see you keep a little stash bottle next to
>the puter.  May I have some please?  " There is absolutely no reason
You too, huh? :-)  I keep amoxi dropper bottles and such - they make
great Ferretone dispensers.
roger & the fuzzies
missing bear
[Posted in FML issue 3993]