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Tue, 3 Dec 2002 00:49:36 EST
Catherine Garcia <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
That man (in this case he makes the term "man" an oxymoron) is a
horrible, pernicious VERMIN of a creature!  He obviously cares nothing
for the animal and just the almighty precious dollar.  And to think that
he took out one of his precious babies and SHOT it because it was ill.
That makes about as much sense and shows as much compassion as if I would
have taken Luis out and shot him instead of getting him medical care.
What a wretched, terrible thing to do a living, feeling creature.  And
we are supposed to be the "intelligent" ones......
I do so hope someone can rescue that poor baby.  In Utah I am afraid I
cannot do much but pray for the fur baby.  First time I've really read
the fml in months and this is what I find.  Not Bill's or anyone else's
fault that some THING like that exists.  It just amazes me as to the
cruel and callous behavior we human's can exhibit.  It still never
ceases to shock me.
God bless those who are trying to help this poor, trapped ferret.
And while I'm at it, thanks to all of you who wrote and expressed
condolences at my husband's passing, and to those of you who took time
to sign the guestbook at the Mortuary.  God bless each and every one of
you.  I apologize that I haven't gotten around to answering everyone and
thanking them yet.  I've been too numb and just trying to get through day
to day issues that keep coming up.  But I want you all to know that I
will never, ever forget your kindness.
And God Bless Maggie for caring enough to let everyone know.  Her life
isn't the easiest right now, but she still finds time for me and others.
I am going to get her out her soon for a visit and to "scope out" the
Utah environment to see if it suits her.
Never stop loving and caring for our babies and for each other.  Life is
so short and fragile and can end so quickly for both furry ones and human
From "Behind the Zion Curtain"
Catherine, Snowball, and Elsie, with Eugene and Josephine, the "German
Shepherd Ferrets".  Waiting at the Bridge:  Pato, Hubert, and Papa.
[Posted in FML issue 3985]