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Mon, 2 Dec 2002 13:59:10 EST
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Hi all.  It is with a heavy heart that I announce my first fuzzie loss.
Babette belonged to my sister, in Michigan.  She was a very loving
gorgeous ferret (aren't they all?).  Babette recently developed what I
took to be insuloma.  She also had a tumor on her tail.  I kick myself in
the ass, for not taking her home with me this summer, when I visited my
sister and saw how sick she was.  Before anyone goes off on her though,
please understand that she is a single mom, who has not only been raising
her 3 teenage daughters by herself - but has an exhusband who is a
schmuck and won't pay his child support.  She has worked her whole life,
sometimes, 2 or three jobs at a time, to try and make ends meet.  She
"rescued" Babette from some seriously mean children, who were swinging
her around on the end of a rubber band.  She did the best she could, with
what she had.  What makes me even more angry - is that when I discovered
Babette was ill, I went out on a limb - and made a plea to the Ferret
association in Grand Rapids Michigan.  I explained to Dee Gage that my
sister had no money - but this ferret needed help.  She provided none.
I repeatedly contacted her - asking if there was a vet who would allow
payments, or allow me to pay - whatever I could - and was met with
"sorry" every time.  It kills me to know that there is a "association"
out there, in her town that COULD HAVE helped her - yet chose not to.
I still don't know why.  Shame on you Dee - for belonging to an
organization that CLAIMS to care, yet offered `O help - not even
information on a vet who would work with us.
Babette was only 4 or 5 years old.  She COULD have had a chance, if
someone there had a heart.  Unfortunately - noone did and she is now at
the Rainbow bridge.  I became laid off in September and had no money to
send her.  I blame not only the Grand Rapids Ferret Association, but
myself too.  Perhaps if I had taken her home here to Albuquerque - I
could have found a vet who would have helped me.  In fact, I am sure of
it.  Out here, in the West, it appears people happen to CARE.  You know,
I am sorry to everyone - for going off like this.  But I am so angry that
Dee Gage and her association REFUSED to help this one ferret.  It would
have been a different story perhaps, if my sister didn't have so much on
her plate.  If she had an ex who would help with the bills, so that she
didn't have to work 2 and 3 jobs just to feed her kids.  She took this
ferret - knowing that if she left her - those kids would have killed her.
That is the kind of woman she is.  She loved her and did her best to care
for her, with what limited resources she had.  Shame on you Dee Gage.
Shame on you Grand Rapids Ferret Association.  I promise you, I won't
forget this one.  My heart is broken - along with my nieces, who can't
understand why NOONE would even TRY to help.
Sandee, please, scoop Babette up and give her a big ferrety hug from her
Aunt Kim.  Please, also - introduce Babette to Sinbad (the cat w/no
name).  He will care for her now.  She absolutely adored cats - (another
personality disorder?) and her favorite treat was strawberry snack in a
tube.  I pray that she knows how much she is loved here still - and that
she will wait for us at the bridge.  I pray that she will know that I
TRIED what I could, from where I lived.  I pray that her fur will be
long and luxurious - and that she will never again, know the pain - not
only of cruelty of those children who Christine rescued her from, but
indifference from people who were SUPPOSED to make a difference.  I pray
that SHE can forgive US - for failing her.
Sorry for the long post guys - I am really hurting here.  I guess it
hurts worse, knowing that I tried, and if someone on the other end had
picked it up for me, she would still be here.
Hug your furries.  You never know when and if you may lose that chance.
[Posted in FML issue 3985]