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Mon, 18 Nov 2002 11:24:50 -0800
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Several people have posted their stanzas and I am sure several may not.
So, for those of you who asked - and those of you who participated -
here is the entire poem with the ending.  I hope you enjoy it.
10 Little Ferrets
10 little ferrets went out to play
Dancin' in the grass and hidin' in the hay.
One began to sneeze and cough, then whine;
He went home and then there were nine.
9 little ferrets went down the lane,
Dookin  and lookin  for treasure to gain.
One saw something shiny to investigate;
He ran off with his find and then there were eight.
8 little ferrets digging in the sand
A tunnel to China is what they planned!
One got tired and said, *I ve found heaven.*
He curled up in a hole and then there were seven.
7 little ferrets went for a swim
Splashing in the water and jumping off a limb.
One climbed out for a nap in some sticks;
He stayed there and then there were six.
6 little ferrets chased a pretty butterfly
Until it disappeared in the big blue sky.
One was distracted by a busy beehive;
He stopped to watch and then there were five.
5 little ferrets straying far, far away
Don t care about time on this pretty day.
One followed a cat through a secret door.
He didn t come out, and then there were four.
4 little ferrets wandered in the forest
And saw a tiny bird, fallen from his nest.
*I can t find my mommy! Where can she be?*
One fert stayed to search and then there were three!
3 little ferrets came to a mountain.
They dug and they dug and found a hidden fountain!
One ferret snuck off to get a better view,
He found a place to doze   and then there were two.
2 little ferrets following a whim
Chased a noisy squirrel onto a limb.
One pudgy fellow said, *This is NOT fun!*
He turned back and then there was one!
1 little ferret left all alone
Continued on his way in his own little zone!
He found a treasure he wanted to share;
He turned around and there was nobody there!
So the one little ferret turned his nose toward home,
He ran so fast o er the cool, green loam.
When he got back he looked through the door
And found everybody there, playing on the floor!
renee :)
[Posted in FML issue 3971]