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Tue, 12 Nov 2002 14:42:22 -0500
Mahlyssa <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (67 lines)
Hi everyone!
In May of this year my baby was about 6 months old.  I always have those
smelly candles around the house and he never ever touched them because
there were much more fun things to do then that.  Well I decided that
I would light one while I was on my computer.  So the candle was on a
corner table next to my sofa smelling all good.  Well I guess Zama must
have thought so too.  Just as I turned around to see what the noise was I
seen Zama on the corner table.  It happened so quick I couldn't help him.
He stepped in the hot wax and tried to sniff the wax but the fire caught
his whiskers.  He jumped off the table onto the couch and rolled around -
he didn't make a single noise.  I grabbed him and ran to the washroom and
ran his face and feet under cold water.  Then slowly I peeled the wax off
of his paws.  I checked him over a million times, I couldn't see any
burns.  PHEWF!!  The only thing was his front pads on his paws were a
little sensitive.  So I grabbed his blankie and wrapped him up and he
actually stayed with me all afternoon sleeping the blankie.  That is a
miracle because back then it only ever happened once before and I had
to force him to lay with me *L*  Now of course he is more then happy to
sleep on my lap.  So, after him surviving and not becoming fried ferret
you'd think he would count his blessings and stay away from lit candles
right!??!  Nope, he almost did it again, so the candles don't go on
unless he's in his cage.
My ferret is really spoiled.  I will admit that.  The only place he is
not allowed in is the bathroom.  (only cause he likes to tunnel through
the garbage can and that is just nasty)  Well sometimes he is especially
bad and won't leave the kitchen garbage alone.  I will go over and stamp
my foot and say no... he will run away .  I will watch him.  he doesn't
go back.  I think ok he understands.  I turn around.  poof.crinkle
crinkle crinkle.  ferret in the garbage.I usually do this about a couple
of hundred times.and then he gets grounded to his cage.  When he gets
grounded I have to removed the litter box.  He gets so upset he actually
has a temper tantrum!  He picksthat litter box up and swings it around
and litter and poop go flying everywhere!!  Then he will go under his
water dish that's attached to the bars and push underneath so the bowl
pops out and spills all over..  He flip the food dish.  then he will find
some poop - roll around in it... and finally.  while I'm still ignoring
him.he will start the annoying thing of pulling the cage.  I even rubbed
apple bitter all over the cage.  that doesn't matter.  Instead of biting
the cage.  he grabs the bars with his paws and pulls instead!  Well there
was a week or so when he was especially bad with the garbage and got
grounded a lot.  So he did a lot of biting at the bars... well he did it
so much that he actually wore a bald spot on the top of his head where
his head was rubbing against the bars!!  (This was back when he was
younger.  I read all about that adolescence stage.  oh my goodness I'm
glad we are outta that!)
Now, you say NO!  to him - he gets so upset he looks at you and runs to
his cage and goes to bed *LOL*
Well yesterday my Grandmother and Zama shared a birthday *L*  After the
birthday dinner I gave Zama his presents :-)  I wrapped his toys and new
hammock in tissue paper and the toys and hammock were rubbed in Ferretone
so I could see him open them :-)  Yup I did *L*  After that I put some
whipped cream and apple cinnamon cheerios in a bowl and he had some of
that (he really only ate the whipped cream), then the other two ate the
cheerios.  Then I mauled him with a million kisses, my family sang happy
birthday to him and then he was relieved we were done so he ran away
dookin' at us *L*  He is a year old!!  :-)  We made it *LOL*
Well that is all I have to say for today,
Have a great day!
[Posted in FML issue 3965]