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Tue, 12 Nov 2002 00:49:05 EST
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On Saturday, I wrote the letter to the FML that I hope Big will place
above this one.  Big has allowed time for a response before posting.  I
wrote more-but I was over the line amount allowed.  I could go on for
pages more, and discuss a number of other things.
But at this time, I would like to add this:
1. There was NEVER an explanation given to me as to what was going on
with these memorial cages.  Would you not consider it the very least one
could do?  Explain what happened????  No.  NEVER a word.
2. During this time-I lost several of my ferrets.  I would have kept
their bodies or ashes if I had known there would be no memorial cages.  I
lost a little one in Feb.  and this summer.  I was thinking how wonderful
to have these cages with their names on them so when I volunteered for
years to come-it would be a little like coming back to them.  special.
I wrote Norm and Mary, I wrote Noreen, and I wrote the board what this
deception has cost me.  There is nothing I can do to bring back the
bodies or ashes now.
There was never a single apology of any kind for this.NOTHING..Not one
3. There has never been an apology over the misappropriation of these
funds in any way, shape, or form from anyone.  There was an apology for
slamming me on the FML the same night I wrote to a board member about the
misappropriated funds.  But never an apology or explanation for the theft
of money specifically allocated for memorial cages.
4. At one point, I was told that the check to return the misappropriated
money was in the mail.  THERE WAS NO CHECK IN THE MAIL.  May God strike
me dead if I am lying.  Not at home or office..  I have no idea if I was
singled out, or if no one was given their money back.
Now that they have known that this is going on the FML-they would be
fools not to rush out with those checks.  I had mine dropped off on the
desk this afternoon.  No note.  No-I am sorry.  No message of whether the
others that paid for cages that were never goig to be ordered are going
to get their money back.
I told people who trusted me that these memorial cages were coming.People
paid $70 for each one.  I had people E-mailing me about taking a picture.
I could not wait to do that.
What must these people think of me?  I cannot tell you how much I resent
that this shelter could not have cared less about this.
So if anyone is thinking that this is just about me getting back some
money from GCFA now that they have destroyed every chance I gave them --
this is incorrect.
5. Lastly, GCFA has cost me the ability to help other shelters on this
list.  After all of this-my good name is ruined.  GCFA has put me in this
position despite all I did to help them.  This is my thank you.  Was it
one board member, or more?  I do not know.  It does not matter.  Nothing
is more important than ones good name.
I swear to you that I was not involved in the misappropriation of the
memorial cage funds.  I asked Norm multiple times over the months, and
each time he told me that those cages were coming.  But my name is ruined
now.  Why should you have faith in me?
So here I am-because I do not believe anymore that the money was ever
going to be given back.  They need new cages.  We donated enough money
for them.  Why not just order the darned things instead of giving the
money back?  unless you were not going to give the money back.
I never got the check.  I have been left with NO reason to believe I was
ever going to.
I have a stack of printed E-mails and snail mail I have sent trying not
to reach this point.  I have lost sleep over this like you would not
believe.  And yes-I have reported this so that others will know what a
nightmare I have been through..
I think it is wrong to keep throwing things up in ones face year after
year.  I am not doing that here.  You are reading this.  I will not bring
it up right before the Greatest Ferret Show on Earth next Oct.  Most of
you will have forgotten.
If you did not get your money back-contact the Better Business Bureau
now.  In the long run-you will be pushing the shelter to have to figure
out what person or people are involved.
(there are many good people sacrificing much at the shelter, and so many
ferrets that still need care.  I do not imply in any way here that this
is not true.  This was not an easy decision to make.  It has cost me any
dream of being involved in caring for the ferrets at this shelter.  It
has cost me going to Christmas parties and the Oct. show.  It has cost me
hours and hours of time, loss of sleep, nightmares.  You would not want
to be in my shoes for all the tea in China.)
[Posted in FML issue 3964]