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Wed, 6 Nov 2002 12:14:36 -0700
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Dear Rozareo Shikhar,
Just a word of caution here... the lump could be something more and you
are best to her to a vet that is familiar with lumps.  We had one ferret
come to us that had an ugly sore on his side.  We were told at the time
of surrender that it was a dog bite that never healed.
To make a long story short, we managed to heal the area, and what was
left was a lump which was the size of a quarter.  This was checked by
a vet and subsequently removed (by a vet who specializes in cancer
removals) as it turned out to be cutaneous lymphosarcoma.  This is
not something you want to mess with, or leave alone without having it
properly analyzed.  Have the vet minimally biopsy the site.  Better
to be safe than sorry.
If the site is to be removed, remember that an amount of healthy tissue
needs to be taken as well to ensure all of the tissue that should be
taken, is.  Depth is also important.  Our boy had tissue taken to the
ribs.  He healed just fine.
Keep me posted as I would like to know what the results were.
betty and her blur o'fur
for the love of ferrets
[Posted in FML issue 3959]