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Thu, 31 Oct 2002 02:20:42 -0800
Sheri SoVery <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
To answer the question that someone asked me... No I do not currently
have a ferret because they are illegal in my state and not easy to find,
although many people do have them in my area and I have already found
vets in my area who treat ferrets and are very knowledgable about them.
I used to have a ferret named "Slinky" when I lived in another state, but
unfortunately he died about 6 years ago.  I still miss the little guy,
too, but I still have videos and pictures to remember him by.  I
appreciate all types of animals and have a lot of experience caring for
many of them.  The most recent animal which came in to my family is a
little southern flying squirrel, "Rocky" who I found while visiting at
my Dad's home a few weeks ago while on vacation.
We discovered that flying squirrels are also becoming more common as pets
much like ferrets, domestic skunks and many other animals which a lot of
people still only view as "wild" animals.  Many people don't realize that
these animals have also been bred as "pets" for hundreds of years or
more.  After taking the little baby squirrel to a very well respected vet
who has been in practice for more than 20 years, he gave us a lot of
useful information about their care and informed us that they can make
great pets and are very tame when hand raised.  This little guy was too
small to care for himself when I found him lying on the ground one night,
and I knew if I had left him there a cat surely would have gotten him as
there was a cat in my Dad's yard who had been killing a lot of the larger
squirrels around there.  I'm just glad that I found him in time.
Obviously I couldn't take him with me on the plane, so I left him in the
care of my sister and her husband who totally adore and spoil him.  It
has been wonderful f or my Father also because he has not been able to
enjoy the squirrels in his yard as much with his failing health and
eyesight.  He has been feeding the birds and squirrels in his yard for
years now, but is getting too weak to do it as much and he can hardly see
them anymore.  So I think finding that little squirrel was like a real
treasure for my Dad, too, because he gets to help feed the little guy and
hold him.  My sister said that she hasn't seen my father laugh or smile
so much in a long time.  My Dad is also the one who named the ferret I
used to have "Slinky", because of his long body.  haha My Dad really
loved my ferret too.  He built him a huge cage when I was a teenager and
attached a really long tunnel to it so that Slinky could run through it
and play when he was outdoors.  He used to love to play and dig in the
dirt out there, but mostly he was inside the house with us.  I fell in
love with ferrets after I got him because of his cute little personality.
He used to make me laugh a lot and was such a sweetie.  Anyway, I guess I
have room for all types of animals.  I also have 2 rats that I adore,
"Feefee" and "Frisky".  We had another rat, "Nugget", but unfortunately
had to have her put to sleep about a month or so ago because she wasn't
eating and was very sick and we didn't want her suffering.  I'm hoping to
get a couple of ferrets again in the future, which is why I joined the
FML.  I've gotten a lot of very useful information since joining.  Well,
hopefully my long reply answers your question.  lol :) Take care.
P.S.  I've also had in my care: dogs, cats, horses, goats, snakes, mice,
rats, opposums, birds, fish, lizards, a rabbit, a ferret, etc... and of
course most recently a flying squirrel.  :) As I have stated before, I
appreciate all types of animals.  I'd also like to have a domestic skunk
at some point in the future.  I've done a great deal of research about
them and know some people who have had them, including one of my aunts.
My little girl is also developing a real love for animals now and she
wants everything she sees on t.v., but our place is not quite big enough
for a zoo. :)
[Posted in FML issue 3953]