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Print Reply
Sun, 27 Oct 2002 12:22:06 EST
Robin Jones <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (40 lines)
I am posting this for Travis Livieri,Travis Livieri, Executive Director
Prairie Wildlife Research
Dear ferret lovers and enthusiasts-
Prairie Wildlife Research is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization involved
with recovery of the black-footed ferret, the endangered cousin of your
favorite animals.  We conduct on the ground activities such as population
monitoring, capturing wild ferrets for release at other sites, and
preparing ferrets for release into the wild (i.e. "black-footed ferret
In order to continue our recovery activities we require support from the
public, thus we ask that you visit our website
read about our projects, and donate if possible!
We currently have a special offer for donors of $100, a black-footed
ferret embroidered denim shirt!  If you, your organization/club/shelter
makes a donation, we will place your name/website on a special donors
page on our website (with your permission of course!).  Also, if you
want to challenge another ferret organization to match your donation then
email us their contact info at [log in to unmask]
You can use the black-footed ferret embroidered shirts in a
giveaway/fundraiser of your own!
With your support, you may one day see a black-footed ferret in the wild!
Thanks for your support!
Travis Livieri
Executive Director
Prairie Wildlife Research
P.O. Box 515
Wall, SD 57790-0515
(605) 279-2380
(605) 279-2725 (fax)
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[Posted in FML issue 3949]