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Fri, 18 Oct 2002 11:35:44 -0400
Linda Iroff <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Bob Church is quite right in that ferrets are not wolves, and as
naturally solitary animals, we should not expect them to have the same
complex social structure that wolves have.
Still, I am surprised by the fairly complex social interactions in my own
small business, and how it has changed as the members have changed.
In my first group of 4, there was little obvious heirarchical behavior.
Everyone got along well, except that Caruso would occasionally get a
"devil look" in his eyes and pick on Cookie.  There was some deference
shown to Belle as being elderly and frail, though deaf Buttons would
ignore her squeaks of protest and happily bowl her over in play.
All this has changed as the oldest two have passed and 2 young sisters
were added.  Now Buttons is clearly the alpha, though young Andi
continually challenges him.  Buttons is my Gary Cooper, tall and lean and
kinda quiet.  He never starts a fight, but never loses one that someone
else starts.  (Buttons is a good deal goofier than Cooper though!) When
Andi tries to dominate by grabbing his scruff, he calmly kicks her butt.
Otherwise, he is happy to play with any ferret he's ever seen.
Cookie has become somewhat of a pariah.  She hates and fears the younger
girls, especially Andi, who will pick on her and chase her, though Cookie
is almost double her size and weight.  Cassie is an easy going little
girl, but Cookie will sometimes go after her in a preemptive strike,
though Cassie would never initiate an attack herself.
The most amazing thing is when I see one ferret intervening between
others.  Buttons will actively protect Cookie from Andi, while Cassie
hovers nearby wringing her hands when Buttons thrashes Andi.
And and the end of playtime, they often all pile in one hammock to sleep
peacefully together.  Amazing critters!
Linda Iroff
Oberlin OH
[Posted in FML issue 3940]