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Print Reply
Sat, 12 Oct 2002 13:57:39 EDT
Mary Conley <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (62 lines)
Hello all ~
I'm off to Rockey's to do something more constructive than argue with
Mr. Church.  I spent a lot of time doing graduate degrees before I even
ventured into the field to work with the natural remedies.  My writing
speaks for itself.  There are 2 short points I will address:
>So, what herbal remedy mimics smallpox and stimulates the body to repair
>itself and attain homeostasis?  How about West Nile virus?  You don't
>like viruses?  Ok, how about Trichomonas?  Salmonella?  Mad Cow disease?
>Adrenal disease?  Heartworm?  Hyperestrogenism?  A blocked bowel?
I ADD: Here you go into the delicate science of homeopathy, which is
so complex the Materia Medica is full of thousands of pages of proven
remedies.  You needed an example: In 1999 I was rushed to the hospital
after having 2 strokes, one on a Wed., and one on a Friday.  My right arm
was full of clots.  They were going to amputate, but I had a good surgeon
who waited.  After a week I went home with a large RX for vicodin, and
the clots.  I called my friend Eileen (who owns the Athena list).  She
has a doctorate in Homeopathy from England.  She took my case and
prescribed Lachesis 200 X which a friend brought down to me.  It is one
of the "you got it - snake remedies".  Within 5 days my clots were safely
dissolved, and I have been fine since then.  As for ferrets, there is
only 1 holistic vet here and yes they do use homeopathy successfully.
We DO have remedies and homeopathic protocols for smallpox and West Nile,
and in my house are enough Homeopathic nosodes to help Silver Spring,
should our water be jeopardized, made from yep - those diseases.  I'm
not gonna explain nosodes, you'll have to find that yourself.
>If "natural medicine seeks a natural remedy to retrain the body to take
>over for itself and heal," then PROVE IT WORKS!
I ADD:  See above.
>If your statement is true, then you should have independently verified,
>reproducible evidence that has withstood the test of falsification.  So,
>you have a choice; prove effectiveness, or drop the subject.
I ADD: You spend a lot of time telling me what to do.  Well, I'm not
doin it.  I will always teach about natural medicine, because that is
my calling.  The anger in your words is not helping me or this list.  I
haven't said this before but your questions are argumentative, and I am
not willing to be on the defensive.  Anyone who has a knowledge of this
field would not go where you are going.  You are on a campus, go study
the field.
Folks this is enough banter.  The literature speaks for itself.  Mr.
Church seems to wish me to keep on proving things.  It's asking someone
to put a thousand grains of sand onto the top of a needle.  I'm not
responding anymore, but would simply tell him to go study herbs for 5
years, get a doctorate and then answer his own questions.
In health ~
Mary L. Conley, N.D.
M. S. Natural Health, Herbalist
The Conley Farm - organic herbs
Online Classes ~ [log in to unmask]
[Posted in FML issue 3934]