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Sun, 6 Oct 2002 18:18:15 EDT
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>You know how we have Sandee and Rainbow Bridge!  Why doesn't someone
>start a "Prayer List" for the week? on a weekly basis?  Once a week,
>everyone who wants to add their sick ferret's name to the list, can and
>we will all know who really needs our Help ,Prayers and Thoughts.  They
>say the power of prayer (especially with all of us as a group), can do
>miracles.  What terrific support it would be just knowing we had friends
>who loved ferts as much as we do, standing and rooting behind us?,
>especially if we had no one else!  Just a thought and idea.
I really like this idea.  So many of us, for whatever reason, sometimes
just skim through the list.  Possibly missing something we need to see.
Lately, I've read about "Bailey and Crackers", "Lisa and Peanut", and I
stop and say a prayer.  I know there are others, and maybe some don't
want to go through the process of telling their story, but would like the
support of all the FML friends.  Yes, I know we don't all have the same
religion or beliefs, but we all DO care about the fuzzies and their
families.  So, how do we go about this?
Charissa and the gang
Bart, Boomer, Tinker, and Frankie
[Posted in FML issue 3928]