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Thu, 3 Oct 2002 15:17:54 EDT
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Regarding the decision made in Oregon.  I can only imagine what Kristine
and Chris found when they arrived at the "shelter" They we going upon the
intent of taking the kids to a new shelter..  not as a rescue attempt.
When they arrived they found ferrets with not a drop of food or water in
their cages.  They were filthy, very sick old kids in need of immediate
care, etc., etc.  Jeez, one was seizing right before their eyes.
I don't know about Oregon but in Texas once you get the Animal control
involved they seize the properly.  THEY deem who is worth saving and who
is not.  That horrible biter the first time she bit someone would be
quarantined and perhaps put down.  The older kids that looked so skinny
and sick would not get the care they needed (I mean, I ve been through,
volunteered at etc at our local animal control and see what happens)
They take the strongest , and the ones that look the best and treat them.
Did you know that when there is a pending case (in-humane treatment or
abuse ) against an individual or group (shelter) the animals can NOT
be released out of their custody (animal control) even to foster the
animals.  That's the way the game is played here as I found out when two
young biting , abused kids were taken from a lady in F Worth due to abuse
I was not able to foster them until after the court hearing.
It's not about us footing the bills it's about SOMEONE helping, anyone.
The autorities won't do their jobs because they just don't care.  The
Human Society where available helps as much as they can but a lot of
cities don't have one available let alone the vets to treat exotics.
They are getting the care they need where they are not stuck in tiny
little loney cages with maybe someone to talk to them once a day if they
are lucky.  The have Kristine and Chris and they couldn't be in better
Although I understand what you are saying... NOTHING with ever be done
until we force the legal system to stand up for the rights of animals.  i
mean , look at the whole Jen Morrision deal... Animals lots of them lay
DEAD in their cages, most so sick they couldn't stand up etc..  and this
was witnessed by a lot of people.  Things were documented... lawyers were
brought forth etc etc.  The legal system as it stands for cruelty to
animals is minimal if at all.  The 2nd time Morrison was brought to trial
everyone knew the cruelty she imposed on on Spirit, it was proven but
look what happened.  NOTHING, she is still avertising as a rescue even
when it goes against her court orders...To hell with court, it serves no
purpose where animals are concerned unless its animal against human.  If
it came down to it, I would have done the same thing.  I would think of
the animals well being first instead of the consequences.  Leaving the
DUTY up to local law enforcement as far as rendering help and assistance
and letting these kids be taking care of is a farce.
Several would have probably been put down.... do you actually think these
oldersters would have had someone to hand feed them evey three hours???
Don't think so.
Im sorry, Im realistic.  If leaving them there and calling authorities,
taking pictures (which we don't even know they didn't do) etc would have
been in their best interest I would agree..  but it really doesn't work
the way we wish it would.  Otherwise, there would not be so many animals
put down every day of every hour needlessly.
Unfortuntaly, I only know of one state thus far that has imposed very
strict laws against animal abuse.  Until more states do it..  most people
that choose to take on these "shelters" and "collectors" that abuse and
neglect animals are just in to have their pocket books and spirits
broken.  The only justice for the animals is people like you, and the
other shelters, individuals that ARE good to do what you joined forces to
do..  Save the ones that can be saved, nurture the ones that can be
nurtured back to health and protect and save those who cannot save
themselves be it ferrets, cats, dogs any other of God's creatures.  Our
legal system puts innocent people behind jail everyday.... And leave the
guilty to run free.
Me...I'd rather do what I can when I can no matter what.  because I
choose not to waste lives, innocent animal lives waiting for our justice
system and those who take the oath to do something right for a change.
Alicia.  you're one of the best out there.  I firmly believe in you and
what you do for these and other wonderful animals.  Think about what you
are saying.....it never works the way we would wish it to.  God only
knows I wish it would.  But how many animals have to die to prove that?
There will always be animal "collectors" shelters that are frauds,
shelters that are abusive etc.  We can't stop them.  Hell, we can't even
stop humans abusing humans.  All we and everyone else can do is help
those we can.  I know you believe this that letting them deal with it is
the way to go..  but in reality.  Without someone stepping on their toes
and I mean daily, most of them would have been put down as they would
have been in Jen Morrisons case.  Fines?  That doesn't stop people from
abuse.  When has it ever???  Nope..  just ties up our court systems
because people find ways (like her lawyer plea bargaining for lesser
charges) You wanna know why again??  Because it's easier and gets the
case out the door.  Courts are way too backed up to deal with such
"dribble" as animal abuse case..  but stick a dog that bites a kid (where
the kid provolked or not) in the courst system and by god there is gonna
be a hearing quick.  See what I mean?  Yea, our justice systems works.
And you keep believe that having them foot the bills will do it..  go
ahead.  Never has worked before why now?  Why let innocents die or get
put to death just because they know nothing and they appear unsavable?
Nope, not me I'll stick with my idea.
FML'ers please understand that this was not a rescue attempt.  It was
not a Jen Morrison case from what I understand.  Chris was to take the
ferrets that the Oregon shelter was no longer going to be able to take
care of because of shutting down.  This was not an emergency rescue case.
Just because animals we're not taken care of like your or I would does
not deem an abuse case until we have the full story.
Yes, they were without food or water in some case ... and some needed
urgent medical care like the seizing girl.  But until we know more lets
not jump to conclusions and far as abuse or neglect is concerned.  What
was posted was someone's response to a phone call?  This person was close
to the "rescues" as it may be and IM sure was visibly upset as well.  IM
sure we'll hear more about this at a later time.
Thats my motto and Im sticking to it...
Help those we can, that's all we can do
Any life is worth saving... any life period.
Leanne B
[Posted in FML issue 3925]