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Mon, 30 Sep 2002 23:49:58 EDT
text/plain (49 lines)
The GCFA sincerely apologizes to Lisette and to anyone on the FML who was
hurt from the posting regarding the GCFA email on Saturday's FML.  We
believe the wording was very, very wrong in regards to what we were
trying to convey.
The GCFA would like to take the previous post back and try to reword what
we were trying to say, but of course that cannot happen.  We can only try
to clarify what was being posted.
The GCFA had inquires regarding Lisette's post on 09/25/02 where she was
asking for details of donations and for people's names and address.  We
know this is very confidential information for many, many people.  The
GCFA does not and will not give out any names and address or donation
information without approval.  If anyone mentions donation information of
their own free will to anyone, or to any media, that is totally up to
them.  Please remember that anything put out over the Internet can be
intercepted and read by unscrupulous people.  That is why so much
information is encrypted when it is transmitted, like ones credit card
We had stated in the FML post on Saturday that Lisette has done
everything because of the kindness, helpfulness and love of the ferrets.
We know Lisette was only trying to be very helpful to our needy
organization, as she has done in the past.
The GCFA is so grateful for everything Lisette has done and for the
time she has spent regarding the shelter ferrets.  We are also very
appreciative of all of Lisette's wonderful and generous donations she has
worked so very hard on.  During the Easter season Lisette made up baskets
for the GCFA to sell to try to raise some money.  A few were sold and the
people loved them.  We will be taking the left over baskets, minus the
Easter theme, to the GCFA ferret show to be put in the raffle.  Lisette
has also created her own art work, from which she has generously donated
a very large piece for our raffle.  It is a castle, very ornately
decorated.  Lisette will also have a booth at the GCFA ferret show
displaying and selling her art work that she has put so much time and
love into.
SPECIAL NOTE TO LISETTE: Lisette, we are so very, very sorry for all the
pain our original post has caused you.  That was absolutely not our
intention.  Sometimes when a person writes something, with the intent on
clarifying a situation it just comes out all wrong.  That is what
happened in our post on Saturday.  Lisette we hope to somehow be able
to make it up to you.  Please accept our sincerest apologies.
The board members of the Greater Chicago Ferret Association
[Posted in FML issue 3922]