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Tue, 17 Sep 2002 16:47:57 -0400
Andrea Mercado <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
i'm sorry i couldn't thank everyone personally, but big *big* thank yous
to steve bodofsky, sukie crandall, risa di vincenzo, ronald and the sweet
fuzzy cousins out in michigan, lyal, joli, and everyone else who sent
info and warm thoughts our way.  lu and gabe shout out dooks to you all. :)
holly, i sympathize!  no flames here.  the economy has been ridiculous,
and i also used to make much more before the economy went caput.  i'm now
facing 2 insulinoma surgeries, and i've been painfully aware since their
diagnosis that time is of the essence.  i know it everytime i see or
think of their cute little fuzzy faces.  but unless i steal the money,
there's no way to give them the surgeries and keep a roof over their
heads at the same time right now.
my SO and i are feeling the hurt all over, what with rearranging our long
workday schedules to feed and med two ferrets morning and evening, not
having money, and just plain stress.  we go without amount the sleep we
need to give the kids extra playtime some nights.  we do it because we
love them more than anything, so it's worth it.  it still doesn't make it
easy, though.
they will get their surgeries, somehow.  ever since we got home from the
vet, we've been begging, borrowing and stealing wherever we can.  we'll
manage somehow, but unfortunately, that takes a little time.
chin up, holly, and anyone else feeling the hurt right now.  we'll all
manage somehow.
andrea w/corey and the somerville dynamic duo, lucy and gabriel
missing tiki, who has surely been reincarnated as a cheerios factory
[Posted in FML issue 3909]