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Sun, 8 Sep 2002 21:26:14 -0400
"Scarlet L." <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (53 lines)
Hi Everyone,
I had a few things happen recently involving my DEW, Petey, and thought
I'd share them with you.
Well, I have waiste long hair and sometimes to spruce it up before going
out I will take one of those squirt bottles filled with water and wet it
down.  The ferrets were out playing when I noticed Pete down near my
feet.  He tends to bite sometimes so I keep a close eye on him when he
is hovering near any exposed skin.  He was giving me the same look as
he usually does when he wants a raisin, so I knew he was up to wanting
something.  I finally realized that he was wanting the water from the
squirt bottle.  I gave him a little squirt which he loved.  Now this
surprised the heck out of me.  Why is it that ferrets love to play with
water but when it is an actual bath time they are nowhere to be found?
Just a thought.
Anyways, back to my story.  He was begging for more water and I would
stop what I was doing to give him another squirt.  After about 5 squirts
in about say 20 seconds, I decided to ignore him and continue on my hair.
Big mistake.  He promptly chomped on my ankle and took off out of the
room.  I gave chase, tripped over the wire to the hair dryer, and landed
half on the bed and half on the floor (the bathroom is attached to the
bedroom), just in time to see his pointy little face duck under the dust
ruffle of the bed.  All I could think of was 'why that little...., why
I outta...'  I'm sure he was laughing his little wet ferret head off.
Seeing I was on the floor anyways, I lifted the dust ruffle and yelled to
him 'thank goodness you are so cute or you'd be in big trouble!'
Today I was having company over for dinner.  So first thing this morning
I was up doing dishes and preparing a lasagna.  The ferrets absolutely
looovvve the dish washer so keeping them out of it is quite often a
chore.  CJ and Cindy know the word 'No' most of the time but Pete is my
independent stubborn boy.  So Pete decides he's going to crawl to the
back and explore.  Each time he went in I would take him out and put him
in the other room hoping I could distract him.  No such luck.  Back he
comes and back he goes into the dishwasher.  The top tray was filled with
dirty glasses and I had only just pulled out the bottom tray to load.
While rinsing dishes I had to turn on the garbage disposal, not thinking
that Pete tends to be a little skittish around loud noises.  I checked in
to see what he was doing.  He was standing up with his front paws against
the bottom tray when I realized what he was really up to.  The little
monster had actually pooped and peed in my dishwasher!  So I had to
unload everything, clean up the mess, and run the dishwasher through a
cycle while empty.  When it was time to round up the gang for a nap,
Pete kept licking my face like he was saying 'I know I'm naughty mom,
but I love you.'  How can I ever resist?
Petey: 2pts
Mom: 0
Jennifer and the frolicking ferreteria in Phoenix; CJ, Cindy, and Pete
[Posted in FML issue 3900]