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Tue, 30 Jul 2002 10:34:23 -0700
Vicky Edinger <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (32 lines)
Hi Friends,
I visited the Superpets store next to the Regal Cinema in Lancaster, PA
yesterday since Jen had posted that the ferrets were in fish tanks.
Luckily, they have taken them out of the fish tanks.  They are now in
a plexiglass enclosure with wire on top, very much like that at Petco
stores.  They had that carefresh bedding (I think), food in a bowl, and
water in a bottle.  They had a huge dog kong, but no other toys.  The
employee helping me mentioned she might give them some toys.  While this
is not a perfect housing, it is significantly better than a fish tank.
They currently have two very sweet ferrets.  I'm not really good with
aging young ferrets, but their teeth look like they could be around 4 - 6
months old.  (My best guess.) The one is an albino jill and the other is
a chocolate hob with unique markings.  Both are VERY large Marshall Farms
ferrets.  They are not nippy at all and are very socialized.
The lady did mention that the ferrets had been "over there" and pointed
to the fish tanks.  I pretended to be suprised at that and praised them
for moving them out of the fish tanks.  She said they moved them out
because "no one saw them over there."  Regardless of why they were moved,
they are now in a better situation.  My fiance and I go to that movie
theater fairly often, so I will monitor this pet shop whenever we do.
Vicky Edinger
Internet Liaison
Rocky's Ferret Rescue & Shelter
[Posted in FML issue 3860]