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Wed, 24 Jul 2002 14:34:14 -0500
Kirstin Davis <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (52 lines)
>From:    Nathania <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject: hissing ferret
>hey all... She is doing well, but i felt like she needed the company of
>another fuzzy.  Yet i'm a little concerned because Calypso won't stop
>hissing at him.
Sometimes they are happy as well ferrets to have new friends.  Sometimes
it takes a few days / weeks for ferrets to get used to each other.  It
might be a good idea if you let them out to play together, but did not
keep them in the same cadge fir a while.  This will give them some time
to get used to each other during fun times, when you let them out you can
put a drop ferretone on both of their tummies or the top of their heads
(no too much).  They will lick each other and it seams to help form a
bond.  Do not do this if the ferrets are acting scared though that is a
completely different issue.  I am just taking about ferret shyness or
when they are not sure what to think about this new kid on the block.
You can also give them both baths and then put them in the tub together
(with a pile of towels) to dry off.  Doing this does 2 things, first
misery loves company many times ferrets will end up licking echo her to
get clean from the bath, second it makes them smell the same.  Change
their bedding it smell fresh and c lean, then they can they can make the
smell together.  That way calypso' learns that this is shared space.
Giving a bath will also give you a chance to check out your new guy to
make sure he does not have ear mites or fleas.
>I just adopted an altered male, a few months older than her.  So far
>(just got him a few hours ago).
In the future, you might think about keeping the ferrets in separate
rooms for a few days.  When people on the FML talk about quarantine they
are not kidding.  Ferrets can get sick very easily and you want to make
sure that you new guy is not sick before your introduce him to your
existing ferret.  I hope that you got your kids from a shelter not a pet
store (if you did get them from a pet store remember next time to check
your local shelter first, they have the bestest ferrets in the whole wide
world).  You sound like you are doing your best to educate yourself.  The
fact that you are on FML is a great sigh.  Keep up the good work and let
us know what you name your boy.
I think that if your girl is named calypso' you should name him tango,
salsa, foxtrot, boogie-woogie or after some other dance.  Calypso is also
a music style so you could name him reggae, jazz, or Motown.  Calypso is
also a nymph from the odyssey in the classic novel so you could name him
Homer (who wrote the book) or Odysseus.
Kirstin in Portland, with Sasha, Elvis, Max, and Hazel, Missing Farrah
and Leosa.
[Posted in FML issue 3854]