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Tue, 16 Jul 2002 06:00:48 -0700
text/plain (24 lines)
So far the fuzzy household has been functioining in spite of my recent
casting.  Family and volunteers-THANK YOU TANYA!!!!!!  have been more
than helpful.  Then it happened.  Autumn and Boo were out.  When those
little terrors are out, they are the only ones that are out, especially
now since I can't get around so well.  I thought I had everything nailed
down.  Surely my soda with a lid on it sitting next to the computer was
safe...you see where this is going don't you?  It wasn't long before I
heard the dull thud of a cup hitting the desk and the waterfall of at
least 16 ounces of soda left in a 32 oz cup pouring over the desk, my
new-used but in wonderful working condition ergo keyboard; (this thing
just wasn't meant to be as this is it's 2nd mishap at my hands) and my
wood floors.  Cursing ensued before I could even one crutch it around
the corner to estimate the damage.  The picture was exactly as I had
suspected.  A keyboard and desk swimming in soda, narrowly missing my
floppy discs, waterfalling onto the floo r.  In the middle of the mess?
One sticky war dancing weasel that was obviously very pleased with
herself.  BTW ferret folk, yelling, screaming and cursing are of no good
in a situation like this.  If anything it only seemed to add to her
victory.  I am convinced that she was absolutely aware of the fact that
she had the four paw advantage over my one foot disability.
Kim and da kids at SUMS.
[Posted in FML issue 3846]