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Tue, 16 Jul 2002 15:46:22 -0400
Benny Pyron <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (35 lines)
Hey Everyone,
Everyday, when we all go for playtime, I'm afraid to look for my precious
Tori.  She has been being treated for insulinoma for over a year.  She is
reaching the highest limit.  And lately I notice more and more the signs
of Adrenal bearing it's teeth.  Its not like she's suffering right now,
if anything she's more spoiled than she has ever been in her fuzzy life.
Every time she comes out to play, she get's as much Duck Soup as she
wants, just for her.  She has started having an infrequent cough also.  I
know it's not going to be to long.  I keep thinking if I write about her
passing, it will help me prepare, but it doesn't ease the pain at all,
I've told her all about the Bridge and Sandee, she's tired and almost
When I first adopted Tori, 4 years ago, she bit like crazy and I couldn't
hold her at all.  Within a year, she was the sweetest little girl, with
an occasional"hey, you've crossed the line nip" She still loves to hang
upside down, esp.  when I hold her.  I have 4 wonderful fuzzAngels
waiting for Tori, But this NEVER gets ANY easier.  When you think you've
cried a thousand tears and you just can't cry anymore, ferret math hits
again.  But for all the sadness of trying to prepare for her trip, I know
that that little girl has given me so much love and happiness.  We will
pack a thousand kisses into every day.  Hang upside down untill she's
dizzy!  She IS and will always be my upside down girl.
I'm going now to smother Tori and all of my fuzzkids with kisses.  Love
your fuzzies like their packing up too.  Their little lives full of love
just aren't long enough.  Tori, I love you so much.  You don't need to
hurry to the Bridge.  Sandee will be there waiting for you my precious
upside down girl.
Sue and Crew, Tori,Princess, Oscar,Sammy, Nikki,& Chance
Watching from the Bridge, Bandit, Smokey, Samantha, & Boots
[Posted in FML issue 3846]