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Fri, 5 Jul 2002 10:16:05 -0400
Kristen Dixie <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (23 lines)
I just want to thank everyone who replied to my shout for help!  I really
appreciate everyone who took the time to offer me their advice.  The
answers that I received were split in half as to what I should do [do get
another ferret or not] and so while I am still struggling with what to
do...I think I have finally come upon the answer.  I'm going to take Oscar
over and let him interact with the other ferrets [he hasn't been around
one since I adopted him] and see how he reacts.  I'm going to let him
dicate to me what I should be doing.  After all...my concern is for HIS
happiness so I figure it only makes sense to make Oscar active in the
decision making!!
With that...does anyone know of any good sites with ideas for ferret fun
and toys?  Especially sites that offer ideas for toys I can make myself.
Thanks again everyone!
- kristen -
love is merely a madness
and I tell you,
deserves as well a dark house & a whip
as madmen do
 - shakespeare "As You Like It"
[Posted in FML issue 3835]