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D CHRISTEN <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 23:02:24 -0500
text/plain (75 lines)
Prayers are desperately needed for Diane Taylor and her Rusty who we
believe is severely dehydrated like my Bandit was, before he passed.  She
had Rusty in the vet hospital over the weekend, and now that he is home,
she is giving what care she had been instructed by TLE, but she is unable
to obtain any materials to administer subq fluids @ home herself.  The
vets there will not dispense them for home use, and from speaking with
Diane tonight, Rusty is eating, about 5 cc at a time, every hour, it will
be a long night for her.  She had to borrow $250 from her friend, because
the clinics are $$$ only.  She has tried the only local vet, to see if
she could get him in for subq's tonight, and it appears that he has not
returned her call, for i offered to help her with the charges for tonights
emergency call.  She lives in a small town, in Arkansas, where they roll
up the sidewalks before 9?  She is very distressed, about this whole
matter, and unhappy with the care that he had received over the weekend,
and been charged for.  Please keep Rusty in your prayers as you send out
prayers to Spirit who is currently in Idaho under the watchful eye of
Gaye, right now, ask those ferrety angeled fur children of yours to hover
closely to these and lost little Tasha while her mommy and daddy search
for her, too.  Lots of prayer request recently, but we can do it!!!!
Cause Eppy says so, he is living proof that prayer & unity works!!  good
thoughts come from all of us, when they are needed to help these little
guys in their struggles.
You can send your prayers and best wishes for Rusty to Diane, at
[log in to unmask] or even [log in to unmask] , she is pretty
upset, right now.  Remember every good thought you send out to someone
else today, may be returned to you someday, and in this life, who knows
when we will need all the pull and prayer that we can get.
Kudos to TLE and Tara Radford for all the effort and time they put into
finding and rescuing Spirit.  LETS KEEP -SPIRIT ALIVE!!!  He needs to go
home to his mommy, but i am sure that he is in the best of care right
now, for his condition.  The rest of the story, regarding Spirit i will
leave to TLE and Tara, to reveal when they feel thie time is right.
Dawna, i haven't heard from you in quite some time.  I am wondering how
you are doing.  .  .and of course always thinking of Slip.  It breaks my
heart, when there is no news of a lost little one, on the roam.
P.S.  for the card exchange i want to say, thank you to all who sent
pictures and gifts!  I love the book mark and my husband has already taken
the tshirt with the ferrets and cookie jar and claimed it for his own...
the book mark and magnets, such wonderful ideas, i hope i can be as
creative as all of you someday...sometimes i just don't think or just
don't have the time.  I have also volunteered for grief counseling @ the
Rainbow Bridge, and emailing a woman who has lost (in a few short years)
a very beloved companion and working partner.
You are all wonderful people, may you always have peace in your life, and
comfort when there is little.
I had spoken with Diane earlier this evening and right now she is just
caught up with caring for Rusty, so i offered to send out the request for
prayers for her and Rusty, myself.  You may view a post of hers at a later
date, Diane is the one offering the maltese penny with the ferret on it,
it is her way of raising funds for her ferrets care, and as dedicated as
she is, it will not be spent any other way, you can count on it, so if you
can, please help her out.  I know there was an offer following her post
regarding mounting these pennies, and i just got a minimal quote, so the
price is right, melissa?  Speak up!!!  If you want to spend the $49.95 to
order from the Ferret Company, feel free, but they are one in the same
penny, and Diane herself IS genuine MALTESE!!!  So that makes her pennies
even more special.  She loves everyone of her charges in her care, and
will do what she must to care for them.
again, respectfully
donna/eppy/the gang here at home and also the angeled fur children, we =
hold close to our hearts
Athena, Odysseus, Bandit, Felicia, Roxie, Diana & Angel
[Posted in FML issue 3845]