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Wed, 18 Dec 2002 11:17:22 EST
Caroline Jones aka CJ <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
Happy Holidays to all!
I wanted to thank everyone that has sent a santa present to our shelter
kids.  As the presents come in we are taking pics of the ferrets with the
gifts and putting them on our webpage for all to see.  Its our way of
saying thank you.  also everyone will receive a personal thank you from
the ferret by snail mail.  So, if you have sent a gift, check out the
webpage under the thanks for the christmas gifts link.  I want to thank
the following people for their gifts, the pics haven't been taken yet,
but we are going to try to get it done this week end.  If you have sent a
gift and don't see your name on the list or pic on the website, please
let me know in case I goofed up, so I can fix it.
Gifts from Pam Grant, Riza Divincenzo, Sarah and Paul shanks, Dawn
Chapman, Suzi Lambert, Melissa Norman, Deb Footer, Susan Adams, thank you
all so very much.  Pics to be done soon.
This year the shelter has been really blessed with so many ferrets
getting presents, every ferret will have something new this year.  Of
course little Miss Meadow is set for quite a while.
I haven't posted for a while but I hope you all understand that I spent
all my time not at work, taking care of the ferrets.  I don't have much
time to post, and I'm such a crappy typer it takes me forever to type out
anything, lol.
But here is a quick update, we have taken in 278 ferrets this year, many
have found wonderful homes but we still have many here on Lupron waiting
for adrenal surgery.  All are doing great except for the flu bug that hit
here, after a week of hand feedings and sub q fluids all but just a
handful are recovered.
We also got in from California F&G 2 breeding pairs of ferrets.  The hobs
are great, big and sweet.  The girls are also very sweet.  We suspect
they may be pregnant and will know for sure in a few weeks, if not they
will be spayed and placed for adoption.  My good friend Ingred snagged up
the big albino hob who's name is Polar Bear, but who I call Dummy Bear,
he is a bit slow.  The other hob is still here, I had named him Big Bear
but he is really starting to poof so now I call him Stinky Bear.  The
girls are Momma Bear and Baby Bear.  Ok, I name my Cali rescues from
where they came from, so take a quess where they came from???  Give up?
Big Bear California.  We had 13 ferrets come in last week, so as you can
see its very busy here, adoptions are slow, but a few get homes now and
then, enough to keep me from going crazy and having to set up cages in
every room, lol.  Ingred has been over every monday to help me with the
big cleaning, she is wonderful, such a great help.  Thank you Ingred for
all your hard work at the shelter, everybody say Yeah Ingred!!!!!!
We are doing about a surgery a week here, either adrenal or some
emergency surgery, so when I say we have ferrets needing surgery, we
are doing them as funds allow us to do.
Well I gotta go medicate the kids.
Take care,
24 Carat Ferret Rescue And Shelter
"where ferrets are treated like gold"
Visit us at:
[Posted in FML issue 4001]