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Mon, 14 Oct 2002 11:43:41 -0400
Carrie Paps <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (46 lines)
Hi everyone, first off thank you for your thoughts, prayers, and cards.
Someone was listening to you :-)
I was up and down all night Friday night with my Buzz, feeding him soup,
helping him to the potty and cuddling him.  Saturday morning came and I
went back in the check on his (after 3 hours of fitful sleep).  I took
him out and placed him on the couch and turned around to get his soup,
when I turned back he was gone.  The little dicken's was feeling better
so he decided to go exploring in the couch.  He was much too weak for
this so I had to rescue him after a minute, but it was still nice to see
him moving on his own.  I did a subQ on him (he couldn't have cared less)
and every 4 - 6 hours did a soup feeding.  I know he has been pooping,
but as you can imagine, it looks like what goes in so his little butt was
sticky.  Sunday he was still not eating or drinking on his own but he is
a little better and little more active.  We went to a B-day party and
came back out 4 hours later, I went in to feed Buzz and he was not in the
mood.  I didn't force him but I did give him a nice warm bath in the sink
to clean him up, he seemed to appreciate that.  About 3 hours later I did
a quick cage cleaning and tried to feed him again, I could tell he wasn't
feeling too great as he was pawing his mouth and wouldn't eat much soup.
I offered him some water but he didn't want that either so I let him
rest.  I opened the "young'ins" cage to do their cleaning and they came
running out like a bat out of hell.  As I was starting to clean I turned
to get my papertowels and I saw 3 of the youngin's reaching through the
bars of the other cage and kissing Buzz all over.  I thought my heart
would burst.  Buzz it seems, wanted to come out and play.  I told him
no though as he needed his rest and so did mommy (11pm by this time).
I find I can't sleep well right now so I was up at 4am this morning
checking on him again.  I reached in and gave him a stoke and he gave me
that *sigh* of contentment and slept on.  Around 7:30am I did his meds
and food, I found him on the bottom of the laying by the ladder, I was
so scared but then I saw Scooter was standing over him drinking from the
water bottle, as soon as Scooter moved Buzz got up for his own drink.
Either he is sick and tired of Mommy poking him with the needles, or he
is feeling a bit better.
We got back the CBC, no lymphoma showing up so we have no idea what that
cyst is.  He is not a good candidate for surgery due to age, location of
cyst, and current health so we will just keep doing what we are doing and
keeping him comfortable.  Mommy's clothes are all covered with soup and
blood now.  Soup from Buzz wiping his face on me, blood from me sticking
myself with the subQ needle 3X, OUCH!
[Posted in FML issue 3936]