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Sat, 5 Oct 2002 14:47:18 EDT
Rebecca Stout <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (55 lines)
Boy if you are sneezing right when you walk through the door, that is a
good allergy going there.  There are man things you can do here.  And
it's a lot of work, but its worth it for your health.
First and formost is to calm the allergy down so you don't have a dominoe
effect.  Get some relief.  Really try to get a prescription allergy
medication, and until you can try something to take the edge off that is
over the counter like Tavist.  If you take Bendryl, that will certainly
work, BUT you will have severe side effects and it has a short life.  You
must take it every four hours.  I am leary of the stuff as it really
makes most people not just drowsy but darn nearly zonked.
Meanwhile there are lots of things you can try first, before having to
ever think about giving up your ferrets.  The second and most important
thing for you to do is... (and don't roll your eyes to this), spring
clean.  Put on a mask, open your doors and have at it.  Remember to dust
under tables, over door ledges, under furniture, wash curtains, clean
shades, shampoo carpets (and furniture), steam carpets, dust plant
leaves, etc..  How long has it been since you changed the soil in any
plants about?  Huge allergy offenders in old soil (molds, etc), or
changed air filters through out your home?  Do you have bowls of potpouri
around?  Thats a nono.  Try using a cheap matress cover from Walmart and
wash those bed sheets on hot.  Dust mites, molds, and pollens are truly
huge offenders to anyone with allergies.  If you allow anyone to smoke in
your home, consider having them smoke outside.
Next would be to think about not having the fuzzies in your bedroom.  We
are in the bedroom for 12 hours a day... enclosed.  More ours than the
rest of our house.  You need a free zone, a releif area, and your bedroom
is the best choice.  You might even want more of a free zone in your home
depending on how much space you have.
Lastly, are the ferrets themselves.  First thing is to gut out the ferret
area or room and do good cleaning.  I have a whole website on what to do
with the ferrets themselves and such.  So rather than to ramble on and
take up space, I'll give you that site.  But meanwhile you really must do
the other things first.  All the cleaning of the cage and fuzzies in the
world is not going to help you if their hair and dander is all around the
house, and other allergens are accousting you everywhere else.  OKay? :)
Its a bit generaly but it might help.  Also, and this is not on the
page... last of all, you might want to try to wipe off the ferrets when
you can with a damp cloth or to even try allerpet, or outright.  I feel
for ya, even the most heroic measures with allergies will not cure them,
just maybe make things more liveable. :)
Please visit:
for information on ferret deafness:
[Posted in FML issue 3927]