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Fri, 23 Aug 2002 13:15:44 -0400
Sukie Crandall <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (74 lines)
>This cage has the slide spring type latch.No way a fert could do it.
Gee, and to think that there has been no reason for us to have an extra
latch on a door with the same type of latch. :-)  Yes, some ferrets can
open these and when they do a second latch added or a spring clip bought
from the hardware store works.  Of course, it always is possible that
someone became afraid that the ferret would die in the heat and took
that course, or that someone who also doesn't know better wanted as free
ferret, or that someone thought they are wild and freed the ferret, or...
Hey, Ardith, thanks for listening to me gripe about the people who,
unlike you, don't provide veterinary care for their ferrets.  Sometimes
the upset from encountering that too often just builds up and up, and
some of the people write multiple times figuring that if they do that
enough I'll somehow grant them absolution for choosing to not give the
critters the care they need (which strikes me as really weird on multiple
planes from the effect on the ferret to their acting as if I have such
abilities/power and such callousness to animals, and on...).  Not
providing needed veterinary care simply is a form of animal abuse which
kills, esp.  when it is a failure which prevents what would be
life-saving care for an otherwise healthy animal.  This is always
something that has bugged me and I think it does even more since a
related family acted this way and killed a ferret who was only two years
old by not providing vet care.
Anyway, thank you for listening about those fringe people, and I sure
hope that your little one does not turn out to have lympho.
>Recently I have had 2 out of 11 Utah kids diagnosed with IBD.  The vet
>said that he believes IBD is connected to the Corona Virus & stress.  Of
>course we all know that we have no idea if any of these Utah kids have
>had ECE or not, but we know they certainly have been stressed.
Yes, there are multiple vets who figure that ECE is one of the things
that can trigger IBD forming.  Apparently less common, IBD can apparently
trigger lympho down the line.
There is on-going work to eventually have a vaccine against the ECE
coronavirus.  Because the dehydration from ECE can damage kidneys, ECE
can apparently lead to IBD which can lead to lympho -- I am curious to
see how long it takes after people begin being careful to vaccinate
against ECE for us to all see fewer cases of IBD, kidney disease, and
lympho, though I expect other cases with other causes to still be present
especially when those other causes are the primary ones.  Because ECE is
also more commonly encountered in certain areas that appear to be more
prone to certain other problems I am curious to see if we'll see the
rates of anything else change, too.  Probably NOT, but it's always
possible that we might get lucky now and then and that would be
marvelous...  (Don't go saying "Sukie said" or that there is any
connection, anyone; I'm just doing some hopeful wishing here and nothing
more substantial than that, so re-read this if you misunderstood in any
Stephanie, go to the FHL Archives addy below my name or the FML
Archives at http://listserv.cuny.edu/archives/ferret-search.html
and you will find the info you need.
http://www.smartgroups.com/groups/ferrethealth (the current home of
the Ferret Health List with it's conversations, ever growing
extensive Files, and other helpful features)
http://fhl.sonic-weasel.org/ (the easily searched site which holds
the Ferret Health List Archives)
http://geocities.com/sukieslist (a site given to me which I simply have
not had time to learn to update so some of the links are no longer active
and the FHL link is the old defunct one so instead use the one right
under my name)
[Posted in FML issue 3884]