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Sun, 4 Aug 2002 20:18:27 -0700
Lisa Whittleton <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (30 lines)
I had the worst experience last night when one of my ferrets started
coughing like he was choking.  I thought he was going to throw up because
his body was almost hiccuping.  He wouldn't let me touch him and when
I grabbed hold of him to look in his mouth he just squirmed away,
continuing to cough.  He continued to run around and I grabbed him again
only to have him spit up blood and mucus and then proceed to jump and
cough out a HUGE hairball.  It was about 5 in. long and half an inch
wide.  I initially thought it was a worm but after touching it (why?  who
knows) I realized it was clumps of hair stuck together with mucus.  Now,
my question is, why did this happen?  I have been giving him hairball
medication 3times a week and hairball treats as well.  He also has
hairball food (a little amount) mixed in with his food.  I thought I did
everything to prevent them yet THAT thing came out, proving that what I
have been doing is obviously not enough.  What scares me the most (apart
from the fact that I thought he was going to choke and die!!!) is that
there were NO outward signs of it.  No weight loss, no lethargy, no lack
of apetite.  What if he wasn't able to bring it up and it caused
impaction?  When would I have noticed so that I could bring him to the
vet?  I could never forgive myself.  I have tried reading up about it but
it's nothing I haven't read before.  What did I do wrong?  Either way, he
is going to the vet Tuesday to make sure there are no other problems with
him and that there is nothing left.  How could there be?  IT WAS HUGE!  I
kept it to show to the vet in hopes that it will help for a speedy
conclusion.  Anyway, if there is anything else I can do or any advice on
what to do, please help me!  I don't ever want him to be in that much
pain!  My poor baby ...
[Posted in FML issue 3865]