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Sun, 28 Jul 2002 09:47:17 -0500
Larry McFarlane <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (100 lines)
My computer went down with the Klez virus, and I m using an older
computer we had at home.  I ve lost all my e-mail addresses, etc., and
didn t get to read the FML for over a week.  To all who have sent their
fur kids to the Bridge, those who have lost little ones or sick ones, my
heart felt condolences.
You all may remember Chili, the little guy turned into the pet store I
rescued in late May.  He was terribly thin when the boy who owned him
took him there.  The pet store told me Chili was 6 months old, and
anybody could purchase him for $20 if they bought something.  Needless
to say, Chili came home with me.  I was working here in Fort Wayne,
traveling to Lafayette to see the family and furkids on the weekends.
But my husband and daughter were taking care of the furkids for me.  One
week after Chili came to us I went home that weekend to find him even
thinner-he was deep in depression, and my husband was at a loss.  That
was also the weekend (Memorial day) that Jill left me.  I brought Chili
with me when I returned here, and got hold of my vet.  We gave him a
round of Sub-q fluids, and he seemed to perk up, plus I was forcing duck
soup on him.  He even started eating on his own (only would eat MF food).
But then he started acting like he had an ulcer, and went onto
Sulcrafate.  His weight never got very good, and his depression didn t
either, but he was eating and drinking.  He wanted to be an only ferret,
and so we got him a nice size cage he could be in, and I d let him out
with Sally, my little blind girl who doesn t like others.  I was hoping
once we were all moved he d get better.  He made the move, and didn t
seem to mind it.  We re in temporary housing, and just now got a house,
where I was hoping Chili would be more settled and come out of his
depression, get healthy and be all right.  Wishful thinking.
2 weeks ago today, Sunday, I noticed he had foul, runny stools.  I gave
him some pepto bismal and put him back onto duck soup, but his weight
was rapidly dropping.  By Wednesday he was worse, and on Thursday
morning I had Larry run a fecal to the vet.  No parasites, but severely
malnourished, as though he weren t digesting anything.  We started giving
him (forcing actually, as he was no longer eating on his own) duck soup
along with 1cc of clear Karo syrup every 2 = hours to get him up.
Thursday evening he could no longer walk, and pressure points started to
show on him.  At 2:30am he clamped his jaws on me, but I coerced him into
eating again for me.  Larry was off Friday, and force fed him.  I got
home from work to find Chili comatose, cold, ears, nose, and gums were
white.  And I had to make the call to the vet, the one I never want to
make, and we took Chili in.  All the way there I told him of the Bridge,
that I wished he could have stayed, that I was so sorry that I couldn t
make him want to stay with us, make him better.  The vet confirmed what
I had thought-Chili was closer to 4 or 5 years old.  As I stood there
holding Chili, saying good-bye to him I looked at my vet and told him-my
ferrets don t look like this, and I can t make Chili better.  He told me
he knew that, and that I had gone farther trying to save Chili than most
people would have.  And so I had to say my good-bye to the little fighter
who graced our lives ever so briefly.  I told him all about the Bridge,
and about the Crew members there who would be there for him, that he  d
get to meet Harley Bug and all the others, and how I wished he could have
A preliminary necropsy showed that Chili s stomach was like a membrane,
so thin the vet could see through it, his intestines had no lining left,
right enlarged adrenal, left normal, lesions on his lungs.  We re waiting
for the pathology reports to come in.  My vet told me that whatever was
wrong with Chili was there before he came to me, probably was showing
illness and that  s why they dumped him.
Sandee, would you please do me a really big favor?  I know Chili s
already there, he came to the Bridge a week ago Friday, and I know when
he got there he was plump, full coated, but probably scared.  Would you
see if Socks, Suzy, Nibbles, Bailey, Nelly, Jill and Jack were there?  I
know they watch over my Crew here, and although they never knew him,
perhaps they were there to meet him and help him.
He was such a doll, my little Chili Bean, Chili Willy.  He graced us so
briefly, but was such a light.  I would have F try and tell him it was
all right, that he could conquer the depression from being separated,
that F had done it, so could Chili, but we didn t know he was so sick.
As the vet took him, I inwardly raged at those who  dump  their ferrets
or cats or dogs or whatever they have taken as  pets .  I swore when
Nibbles died in my arms from her depression of being separated from the
only family she knew that I  d never let this happen again, and although
I know now there was nothing I could have done, I still feel I failed
Chili.  I have a problem now calling F by Chili s name, as they looked so
much alike.  I have to tell you that I came home in tears, and I let F s
group out to play, and something happened.  I was sitting on the bed,
watching them play.  They knew something was wrong as they were more than
silly for me when suddenly I felt a pinch.  I turned and there was F.
He d bit me on the butt!  He war danced away, came back and pinched my
arm, as if he were saying It s all right mom, I stayed for you, it s all
right, you didn t fail, you just didn t know he was so sick, but I m here
with you and you didn t fail me.
Sandee, please, ask Chili if he ll wait with the other Crew of Merry
Mayhem members there at the Bridge for me.  I know he loved his other
humans, but I loved him too.  He wasn t one of the lost or unloved, for I
loved him dearly, and he took another piece out of my heart with his
passing.  Soon he  ll be in the memory box with the others who have gone
before him.  Home at the Bridge, and home here with us.
Rebecca and the Crew of Merry Mayhem, sadly missing another member
 Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy, and taste
 good with ketchup"
Support bacteria, it s the only culture some people have
[Posted in FML issue 3858]