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Tue, 16 Jul 2002 08:08:54 -0400
Karla VF Staudt <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (25 lines)
I have a few questions if any of you can help out.  Daisy was diagnosed
with Lymphoma about two months ago and we have her on Prednisone which
she does seem to be doing quite well on.  My question:
1. Do we have to worry about forgetting or missing one or two doses
(such as if we are away overnight)?  I know that "as a human" it isn't
recommended to stop a steroid "cold turkey" as there are withdrawal
aspects, and I sure don't want to add anything to her stress level.
2. So far Daisy is only on the Prednisone (mixed with banana flavor and
Ferretone by our Pharmacist!).  At some point I assume she may need to
also have the second medication compounded in also.  For those of you
that have gotten that far - will she just start exhibiting the same
symptoms as before, i.e. the seizures, staring, limpness??
3. I also remember seeing something about giving them Ferretvite towards
the end to make them more comfortable???  I would like to hear more about
that if someone will fill me in on the appropriate timing, etc.
Thanks for any help you can offer!  I want to keep the quality of life
good for her as long as possible.
Karla and Daisy
[Posted in FML issue 3846]