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Sun, 14 Jul 2002 08:02:24 -0500
D CHRISTEN <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
Amy & Dave,
I fully understand how you feel.  I cried everynight when my Eppers was
missing.  I walked/walked and walked some more, hoping to get a glimpse
of him.  Call out to Tasha with your heart, and tell her to look for you,
while you are looking for her.  I printed fliers with stories and pictures
of Eppy, and walked for 3 + hours one Saturday, door to door, canvasing
our neighborhood.  Also printed a picture of him on transfer paper, and
put it on an oversized sweatshirt/something i could wear over everything,
so people could identify me with whom i was looking for, it was chilly
then, but thank goodness a mild winter, the elements were in our favor.
IT is hard, losing a beloved companion, either way, to death or escape.
Don't stop believing that you will find her, even though each day, you
will see things that can frighten the daylights out of you, you will
become even more aware of the dangers that lurk outside that safe haven
tucked away behind closed doors, but dismiss them, there is no proof,
just keep on hoping, praying, and sending those heartfelt messages of
love and looking.  Get the word out to the public that you are looking
for her, and be consistent.  Get the mail carriers involved, the people
who are always in the neighborhood, who are going all around.  Radio
stations/television, any one who will be interested in helping, and ads
in the lost and found.
And keep the people on the fml posted, lest they may think she is found,
themselves.  I got some good responses from many who wrote me, and they
know who they are, i got a tarot reading/phone Kim Wolf /
[log in to unmask] ( i think this is right)  If not do a search,
mention Eppy , and ask if she would consider a reading for you, ONLY if
you are interested.  I even had a psychic reading, but ...she saw him
under a porch, when you get a lead like that, you begin to realize JUST
HOW MANY HOMES HAVE PORCHES!, your awareness of life, in the city or where
ever you are, and what you never paid much attention to before, if that
helps, pursue it, what ever it takes to give you a lead, some place to
start looking, it can become frustrating and confusing, especially when
it is as overwhelming as this, i got many leads that were dead ends, but
i never gave up.  Eppers was very much loved and very important to me.
Communicate through your heart, like i did, and pray a lot.  IT can be
overwhelming, for you and for one so small.
donna / Eppers and the gang
[Posted in FML issue 3844]