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Wed, 3 Jul 2002 15:48:51 -0400
Kristen Dixie <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (56 lines)
Hi All...
I'm sorry this is so long but I really need some advice so please bear
with me.
I've written before about adopting a second ferret and being concerned
about Oscar "losing" some of his training and what not and the replies
that I received reassured me that I had little to fear.  Well...several
months later I am still contemplating adopting a second ferret.  This
time however it is not b/c I am concerned about Oscar developing bad
habbits but for several other reasons.
I had quite happy with only one ferret although I am not sure that Oscar
is happy being "single."  And this has me quite concerned.  I know that
most people have at least two ferrets thus they have someone whom they
can play with and enjoy.  Oscar has only me, my father [my mum is scared
of him!] and our two dogs.  The problem is that I find humans can only
provide so much, my one dog is too large to play with[even though she's
only about 22lbs..that's 10times Oscar's size] and my other dog who is
closer to Oscar's size [shes a JRT] is scared of him and wants nothing to
do with him.  Thus, he is usually left to play by himself.  I let him out
in the morning in the bathroom with me, sometimes at lunch to run around
the house if I come home from work and then usually at least once again
around the house in the evening.  The rest of the time he is in my bedroom
free to roam.  He will often curl up at my feet when I'm at the computer
or getting ready in the mornings and I feel that he is desperate for
companionship.  Especially in terms of play.
So I need to know this: do you think that getting a second ferret will
help Oscar enjoy life more?  I don't think he's depressed but I do often
feel that he is bored.  I have even found a beautiful ferret to adopt,
it's just a matter of me making the decision.
THe other complication also arises from the fact that in September I have
to move back up to school and I'm not sure how four of my five roomies
will react to having two [opposed to only one] ferret around [even though
they would be kept in my room mostly].  I will of course ask them PRIOR
to adopting the second ferret...but that is a problem I'll come to when I
get there!  If anyone has any insight/help/advice regarding this PLEASE
email me and let me know your thoughts/opinions.
Also...a little off topic..does anyone know the policies regarding
importing pet ferrets into other countries, specifically in Europe.  I
know Australia does not yet permit them but I can't find info regarding
other places such as France, Italy, Netherlands, etc.
THANK YOU for all of your help!
- kristen -
love is merely a madness
and I tell you,
deserves as well a dark house & a whip
as madmen do
    - shakespeare "As You Like It"
[Posted in FML issue 3833]