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Mon, 1 Jul 2002 09:40:57 EDT
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Someone asked about foot-biting ferrets.
Out of our crew of 7, Arthur (AKA Farty Pants) is the only one who really
likes feet, yet he doesnt bite under any other situation.
What we did was bought a dog toy that is a foot (complete with "painted"
nails!).  We put a sock on the foot and tied a knot so the foot doesnt
come out.  Watching him tow the foot behind him whereever he goes is
priceless.  He even carries it upstairs in the cage with him when he's
ready for bed and he sleeps with it.
Now, onto the second topic.  I posted a couple weeks ago about Peanut who
is emaciated and we have been trying to nurse him back to health on our
own, but I think we need help now.  So I am taking Peanut to the vet this
morning to get looked over.  I'm hoping to have some fluids put in him and
get an appetite stimulant.  Peanut came to a shelter b/c his owner asked
her neighbor to watch her ferrets for a few hours and then never came
back.  Isnt that sweet? :(
Anyway, wish us luck today.
Becky and Heather
The Magnificent Seven
[Posted in FML issue 3831]