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Sat, 25 May 2002 20:16:31 EDT
text/plain (33 lines)
Hi again...
First, I want to thank everyone that responded about Mischief and
Insulinoma.  I tried to email everyone personally, but I'm sure my
scrambled brain missed a few, so I thank each and every one of you.
I got ahold of the vet and (surprise surprise) I've crossed MY lines
again.  She meant that she CAN do the test, but she would have to send
"em" (as in them, not "him") to Ohio State U to be read!  And "em/them"
being the CBC...she can do the glucose test no problem.  So ... there I go
again freaking out because I need my ears checked.  Big relief for me!!
I got a ton of ingriedients for the ton of different recipes I received
from the lot of you, so now our refrigerator has a "ferrets only" side
until we batch them up and freeze.  Luckily we have 2 extra freezers and
will be able to have a "ferrets only freezer" ; )
Mishchief has been doing well, last night he didn't want to play though =
( I will take him outside after I'm finished writing, the sun has finally
gone down (it's too hot under the sun for them I think), and he loves it
outside so maybe he'll get some exercise.
I also found one of those round beds they like so well made WITHOUT foam
(since they murdered the other one) and this one will fit 3 of them, and
all of them if they pile up lol.  It's made by superpet, and it has
colorful ferrets, chinchillas, a rodent of some kind, and rabbits all
over it.  Can't miss it...just in case your furries like them too.
I'll keep you all updated on Mischief, we are to call back tomorrow to set
up his appointment.
[Posted in FML issue 3794]