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Tue, 8 Oct 2002 19:07:25 EDT
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Hi everybodies,
This here is Hershey.  I am da kid with ADV dat wrote a few weeks ago
about my mom's leaky eyes, and about how I was havin a birthday.  Well,
lots o folks wrote to wish me a happy birthday, and that made me feel
real special, an some folks even wrote to say dat my mom's leaky eyes
were just cuzz she loves me and is happy I am feelin good these days.
Dat was real nice of folks to do.
Well, now I am writing to tell everyone about a special tree dat is
growing on dat Internet thingy.  A nice man named Kris is growin it, and
it has pictures of kids what has ADV like me.  It is called the ADV
Giving Tree, an it has pictures and stories about kids wit ADV.  And you
hoomans can go out and select one of dese kids and be a Secret Santa for
him or her.  Most of da kids gots stories wit their pictures, but some
don't.  Mom says some of dem wants to be nonymous, so if ders a kid whose
picture grabs your heart, and dere isn't a story, you can email Kris, and
he will send you the information.  I asked Mom if I could be on da tree,
and she said yes.  I don't really need nothin, cuzz Mom gives me
everything I need.  I jus wanted my picture on da Internet thingy so
everyone could go see how handsum I am.  An, if some of my buddies get
Secret Santas, den I can splore the boxes their gifts come in, cuzz
splorin is what I like to do most.  So, everyone go out to dis address,
and see all da ferrets on da tree.  My picture is on da firs tree.
Mom says dat dis Tree is a work in progress.  So, if you are a kid dat
has ADV like me, there is still time to get your picture on da tree.  You
jus got to have your hooman email Kris wit a picture an story, an Kris
will take care of it.  Also, if you are a hooman, an you don't see a kid
dat grabs your heart, check back later, cuzz der will probly be more kids
added to da tree.  Mom says there is another special ADV Tree this year,
called da Morial Tree, for kids dat have gone to da Bridge.  Since these
kids won't be here to celebrate Christmas, stead of sending presents for
these kids, you can make a donation to ADV research in their names.  Last
year, someone made a donation to the U of GA for one of us guys here, an
Mom got a real nice letter from the University saying money had been
sent.  That letter made Mom real happy, an she saved it.  She says this
year, if people make donations in the name of kids dat are at the Bridge,
that will be somethin real nice for their hoomans.  So, if'n you decide
to do dat, be sure to tell da people who da money is for, and what da
address is, so their hooman can get a note.  Mom says it is good for da
person sending da money, too, cuzz they get a tax duction or somethin.
My buddy Moonshine is on da Morial Tree.
Hope everyone is having a good time jus dookin and dancing.
Your Pal,
[Posted in FML issue 3930]