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Mon, 23 Sep 2002 07:24:51 -0700
Kimberly Gunderson/Gorman <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (61 lines)
To all of you - that sent those wonderful cards, and sympathy messages.
You know, I was unable to cry, and I do mean UNABLE to cry - until I read
these messages.  I guess perhaps in my mind, I thought - if I don't cry -
then it cannot be true....well, so much for that theory.  I sat here at
work, bawling my eyes out.  I miss him so desperately.  I think I 'hear'
him meowing all the time.  I finally was able to begin the grieving
process this morning.  I guess better late, than never eh?  I have a
picture of him, on my wall at work - it has been here, as long as I have
been here (1.5 years).  That has helped too - it is kinda like he is
staring right at me.....damn - whoever said animals don't become a part
of your family was an idiot.  I feel like one of my "kids" died.
Oh well, on to a different subject.  I decided on Friday - that I would
"adopt" another cat - to try and "fill the spot" that Sinbad left in my
heart.  Yeah, as if.... I went to our local pound and found the most
beautiful Mainecoone - I have ever seen.  He is about 1.5 years old,
and has the exact same temperment as Sinbad did.  I really thought that
with a new cat, I could somehow "breeze through" - any grieving process.
Well, I bring this big guy home and put him in my bedroom.  We have
another cat still (Athena) - who incidentally, barely tolerated Sinbad
most of the time.  She is extremely "snotty", but - only to other
animals.  So in comes "Jasper".  Needless to say - it has become a
"hissing" match between her and the new guy.  She 'guards' the bedroom
door so that there will be no attempts to "escape".  He basically - runs
and hides from her.  The ferrets seem to like him, however this big guy
is totally at a loss around Artemus (gee, ya think?).  Artemus joined him
on my bed.  He promptly began "dookin" and dancing around this cat.  The
cat looked up at me like "are you kidding me"?  He ignored Artie and went
back to his "kneading" of our blanket (he is so good at this and pretty
much doesn't stop at all - that I told my husband, I would use him for
baking bread...).  Well, we all pretty much know Artie don't we?  Like he
is going to "accept the dismissal" and go back to his "ferrety frolicks"
with his buds.....yep.  Uh-huh.  He reaches over to the cat's tail...and
promptly CHOMPS down....this causes new cat to HOWL and jump in the air
like a bunny rabbit!  Oh Goodie thinks Artemus- he wants to play!  A game
of chase ensues, and promptly ends, when Jasper ran into the closet to
hide.  Artemus sat and stared at the top shelf, where Jasper decided was
a good place to hide.  He sat there for about 1/2 hour - waiting for his
new "plaything" to come down.  So far, I think the cat is wondering what
the hell he got himself into...and how can he get OUT of it......long
story short - he hangs out in the closet.  I think after a few weeks, he
may "adjust" to these guys - but lord knows it would take ME a while to
get used to this crazy household.
Thanks again everyone - for helping out in my time of need.  Sometimes
life just isn't fair.  I tried to explain to my 10 year old - why Sinbad
had to go - and I can't come up with anything logical - that would make
him feel better......I hope Sinbad knows how very much we loved him!  I
wish I coulda said good bye to him....
Kimberly Gorman
Regional Translations Engineer
Cricket Communications
A Leap Company
Albuquerque NM 87107
Office:  505-872-7773
Fax:  505-872-7790
Cell: 505-228-4130
Cricket cell: 489-2470
[Posted in FML issue 3915]