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Sun, 4 Aug 2002 05:37:18 -0700
"R. Worthing" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (77 lines)
>From:    "Benita G. Booker" <[log in to unmask]>
>To Brandi
>I see you have a situation.  Everyday people have changes that go on in
>their lives.  Some people try to accommodate with what they have.  You
>write to the website asking for some help with your current status.
>But, yet you ask us not to flame.  This is a particular concern of some
>of us.
That's correct.  She has asked for help... not flames.  Why should it
concern anyone?  She is asking for help.  She has access to the most
valuable resource available for ferret infatuated people and she's smart
to use it!
>People seek out to get this type or any type of pet and when there is
>an inconvience or reason why they can't spend time with the pet.  They
>decide it's better to let someone else take the pet.
Correct!  Once the animal is in one's care, sometimes it just doesn't
work out.  In that case, the best resolution is to let someone else care
for the animal.  Should anyone keep an animal in a circumstance where the
animal is resented or care is not what it should be?  I am not saying
that animals are "disposable" but the reality is, ferrets are not for
everyone!  No matter how much research, reading, education, etc.....
sometimes, it just does not work out.  Some people find that they are NOT
"ferret people"... just like people are "cat people" but not "dog people"
(or vice versa) OR... it works for awhile but life takes turns that force
>Now you are on your own and you don't have time.  Young lady that is an
I have a question.... Seems to me, there is a list of "excuses" that are
just not "acceptable" to the ferret community (allergies, time, space,
moving, aggressive, just to name a few).... Just what IS an acceptable
"excuse" to find a new home for a ferret?  As far as I'm concerned, once
the owner becomes unhappy, life won't be all it can be for the ferret and
THAT is when it's a good time to relinquish the ferret(s).
This young lady is on her own, going to school, and working.  She intends
to make something of her life and NOTHING should stand in her way.  She
busted her butt to buy furniture that was destroyed in no time by a
ferret.  She intended to use that furniture for years.  Now it must be
thrown away as it is destroyed.  Money doesn't come easily and it
especially does not come easily to the young who are on their own for the
first time and struggling to make ends meet while they go to school.
I had ferrets for four years.  They destroyed my sofa (it's at the dump
now), they stole (and chewed) remotes, spilled drinks, climbed my desk,
hid shoes, dug at carpeting, pooped in corners (even though many
litterpans were available).  It was CHAOS when they were out.  I was
"chained" to the house even on weekends when I COULD have gone somewhere
for the weekend with my husband because the ferrets *might* go hungry,
*might* get too hot (or cold), *might* run out of water... I did not
enjoy life with ferrets and am happy to be ferret free at last.  It was
stressful and costly.  I sacrificed way more than I was willing or
wanting to but I DID it for five years.  To me, it was the same as having
three toddlers running around.  Never again!  They destroyed many things
that we had worked hard to get.  They are cute but they are NOT cute when
they are causing damage and costing me money.  I am a cat person and
always have been.  They are independent and can care for themselves.
They are not destructive.  Why am I still on the FML?  I still like
reading ABOUT them but I do not WANT them!
>But, please do not consider getting another pet until you are more
>settled in life.
I disagree with those types of statements.  Just because a destructive
ferret did not fit into her lifestyle does not mean that a cat or fish or
hermit crab or guinea pig doesn't fit into her life!  These are animals
that require less care (less chasing after them), are less demanding but
provide companionship.
[Posted in FML issue 3865]