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Fri, 2 Aug 2002 13:03:11 -0400
"Tim C. Watson" <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
It is with great sadness that I must post the Makai the Ferret died
Friday morning.  He was 6 years and 3+ months old.  In his prime he
got up to about 4.5#   My wife Tammie got him for me as a 2nd Wedding
Anniversary present, Salena (1991-1996) had died approximately 3 months
prior.  We had gone to Maui, Hawaii for our Anniversary.  I had "met"
Makai just prior to our trip, he stayed with his breeder till we
returned; he was born April 17th, 1996 his Mom was Cindy and his Dad was
Luke.  While in Maui we stayed at the Maui Mariott that had a small bar
we like named The Makai Bar.  In Hawaiian Makai means "by the sea".  We
thought that a perfect name for the little Dark Eyed White we were going
to be going home to.  Makai was my 2nd ferret given to me for my 2nd
Wedding Anniversary.
When we got home and picked him up he was full of energy, we'd bring him
to our room and let him play on the bed.  One of his favorite things at
that time was to take a running leap and just launch himself off the bed
like Super Ferret.  We thought he'd break a leg or worse.  He just loved
doing that.
He had Adrenal Surgery last summer and was just starting to get his tail
fur back, he never lost his rump fur.  I thought next coat change this
fall he'd have it mostly restored.  He'd been having runny poops last
week or so.  Tuesday night he eliminated a very dark, very runny poop.
When I cleaned it up I noticed it was really dark, dark red i.e. bloody.
I called his Vet Wed.  morning insisting I bring him in.  There was no
necropsy but Dr. W.  was convinced that Makai's kidneys were failing.  I
was going to pick him up about noon so he could spend the w/e home with
us.  They called a bit before 9:00 AM and said he was gone.
He's now with his "sister" Salena AT the Rainbow Bridge.  Hopefully she
can show him all the "good spots" and let him know that we still love
him. He was always a very gentle and loving ferret. He made it to a few
shows and fun matches and even won a couple ribbons.  He is survived by
his "brother" Max the Ferret and "sister" Haily the Cat.
Rest in Peace little buddy, you are loved and will be missed.  Salena
will be there to meet you :(
-- Tim
[Posted in FML issue 3863]