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Wed, 31 Jul 2002 05:54:37 -0700
text/plain (22 lines)
>IMO the majority of pet owners are good hearted responsible people
Dearest William
If indeed the majority of animal companions were good hearted as well as
responsible then the problem of abuse, neglect and abandonment would be
virtually non existent.  You are very fortunate to have only responsible
pet companions in your company.  Long ago, I too was lucky enough not
to see what 99% of the rest of see on a consistent, almost daily basis.
Unfortunately, the real world is far from being filled with responsible
compassionate people.  Mice, rats, horses, dogs, cats, llamas.  I will
just bet that for every animal mankind has forced into domestication,
there is a rescue in existence.  These animals did not just jog on into a
rescue or a shelter because their "human" companions were responsible and
compassionate.  They were, in all likelihood, NEITHER.  I'm not flaming
you, but I do think a second look around you might be in order.
Thanking God that the Stegosaurus is extinct.
Kim at SUMS
[Posted in FML issue 3861]